Posted on Sep 20, 2017
Wiretaps may prove Trump right — and that’s absolutely terrifying
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
Seems there is no question of the illegal wiretaps and agencies such as the FBI under Comey being used for political purposes instead of functioning as an investigative agency as they should have. An Attorney General of the US that led on a web of deceit and lies. The stirring of civil unrest, the list goes on. The damage done to the nation over the last eight years and total lost of confidence in corrupt, dishonest, self serving public officials at the Federal level infecting everything they touch is disgusting. If they want to get dirt on another individual or just spy on them they haven't and it seems won't stop and place themselves above the law and the American public.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
Seems Valerie Jarrett's matrix links are a who is who of dirty politics in America !
LTC (Join to see)
SSG(P) (Join to see) - It (the stand down order) was given because we, the US government, was at Benghazi distributing weapons to an insurgent group. The Ambassador was collateral damage. Of course Barry Soreto was asleep. 10 degrees of separation. Notice how many times in his term as President he was not around or involved and needed his staff to provide more information. // We spend 18 Billion on our 'secret' services. How exactly did a CIA safe house get compromised and, and a semi-secure location with an Ambassador from the worlds lone SuperPower??? // This is not the fist time. Google tomahawk missiles, serial numbers, found in Afghanistan, used against US forces.
SSG(P) (Join to see)
LTC (Join to see) - Exactly. Benghazi was Hillary tying-up the "loose ends" who knew too much about the gun-running to the "Syrian rebels" who would later become ISIS, and arranged all the deals. Can't have people who know too much running around alive and well. Recall also that Sen John McCain made a lot of "secret" trips to Syria around that time period, and took lots of pictures with those "rebels" like they were his buddies. Maybe they were. Afterall, we were training those "rebels" in Jordan. So in essence, the US created, trained, and armed ISIS.
SSG(P) (Join to see)
MSgt Danny Hope - He did. Then Hillary went to Dover AFB and lied to the widows and families of the massacred men.
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