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Responses: 7
SSG Program Control Manager
Edited 7 y ago
In the end there is only one tribe, the people of Earth, and only one race, the Human race. The notion of White and Black was made up in the late 17th Century because of slavery. One drop of black blood and you weren't really "white" anymore. This article is an attempt to inspire fear in people, to convince them that they are under attack... it's a lie. I live and work in peace and harmony around people who are black, white, brown, and red.

There are still many injustices out there. There are pockets of the country where there is almost no economic opportunity, where schools are in terrible condition and people have lost or are losing hope in a better future for their children. Some of that is rooted in the history of slavery, segregation and prejudice that we are just now beginning to move past... and much of it is rooted in the the rapid advance of technology and a quickly evolving economy. We need to address all these issues together in order to move forward.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
7 y
SSG Diane R. - I agree that one group can never fix the world. It takes the world to fix the world. It takes all of the countries, working together, to fix global problems. Sure, we live within the problems, but we work to fix them, make them better and never accept that we've done all we can. I'm all for realistic goals and expectations.

I think we are going through a global growing pain right now where we can no longer maintain the standard of "my country" and "your country". Our globalized society is coming together and will continue to do so. If we, as America, insist on "America first," we will find ourselves left out of some major global opportunities. We must start to accept and adopt the notion that all of the population of the planet are our countrymen, our family, our neighbors - South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, North America - the entire planet is what we should be putting first. The "my country first" days are dying. We can either be leaders in the next era or followers.
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
7 y
SSG Diane R. - Only if you operate on the assumption that god made us. That is a claim that nobody can be absolutely sure of. I for one, do not operate on that assumption.
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
7 y
SFC James Sczymanski - agreed.
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
7 y
SSG Diane R. - We will never obtain a perfect world, however that shouldn't stop us from striving for a better world.
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LTC Multifunctional Logistician
I'll bite, and there is some truth to the article. I am not familiar with the author. The part that I disagree with is: "The Progs are sure that in the final reckoning, all signs of race realism will disappear, including those in the past". Now I do agree with his last sentence, "this will not end well". As for Progressives- they would not dream of ending racial disparity. It is the elixir that binds the grievance industry that they manage, distribute, and entertain us all with. Just image, If folks would remove all demographic markers and just read, comprehend the issues, then we would have a lot less problems. That would be bad for Democrats and voting power. As long as Democrats are around there will always be racism. And if its not racism, its subconscious racism. And if its not that then is white privilege. Just like Climate Change and its ever changing of the goal posts ideals, race can and will always be used by Politicians to hammer into the minds of the youth of government education that their ills in life were not due to poor life choices but rather those evil Conservatives.
SSG Diane R.
SSG Diane R.
7 y
The author is a military veteran, I don't know much about him either but follow his site. There are no easy solutions to some of the issues he raises, but identifying the issues is the first step to quantifying the problem, then we can try to devise solutions.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
SSG Michael Hartsfield
7 y
Really? As long as Democrats are around there will be racism, huh?
Care to elaborate on your "point?"
And in case you are wondering, white privilege is a thing. Just because you don't see it and it's not in your face like racism doesn't mean that it doesn't exist or that you haven't benefitted from it.
LTC Multifunctional Logistician
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MAJ James Woods
Disappointing. Not all Blacks are African and not all Whites are European so trying to simplify it to geography is problematic and adds to the issue he's addressing. This categorization of the American populace to create census also encourages the divide. I get this blog is an opinion piece but it's filled with false assertions personal bias. America is filled with White vs Black, Black vs White, White vs Hispanic, Hispanic vs White, Hispanic vs Black, etc.
The author of this blog is having a field day with pointing fingers and implying the real victim are White people who disagree with progressives or non-Whites. He is guilty of the same bias he accuses others.
America has a race and diversity problem because race and ethnicity is incorporated in every aspect of our society. Nothing will change if we keep categorizing every aspect of our culture as if just being an American isn't enough of a classification.
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