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Responses: 19
LTC Jeff Shearer
I am not opposed to a wiretap or any type of intercept, however, there is a huge responsibility with that power. I have no issue with listening to, watching a threat to National Security, or whatever else is available, however, if your PC (probable cause) is not there you should get fed to alligators, or something bad.
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt
7 y
I don't believe the other side is completely innocent in all things either, politics are dirty. But I still feel that this was a legit warrant and wire tap. I also believe that some of the people in Trump's camp did collude with the Russians, how far it goes and whether it reaches all the way to Trump I can't say. I honestly have had a strong mistrust for Republicans since the 90's when my father was good friends with Asa and Tim Hutchinson, along with J dickey and Win Rockefeller. The only decent one of them was Win.
LTC Jeff Shearer
LTC Jeff Shearer
7 y
Anna you may be on to something, its just that like you in the last few years I have a strong mistrust for all politicians, all parties. They all talk a big talk but it is rare that they get off there fat ass in there padded chair in the air-conditioned room to any thing. That is what got my attention about Trump early. Every time he went somewhere he would stop and get a picture with the LE/Military people. No, does not a President make but it was so refreshing to see a CiC who loved the LE/Military
LTC Jeff Shearer
LTC Jeff Shearer
7 y
Plus, I have got to say he has displayed some pretty good leadership, I like it.
SSG Edward Tilton
SSG Edward Tilton
7 y
Just one more Russian Agent, sounds like ESPIONAGE to me
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SSG Satellite Communication Systems Operator/Maintainer
Corporal, are you aware the first intercepts of communications between Manifort and the Russians came from intelligence aimed at the Russians, not Manifort? He made himself a target by virtue of his questionable contacts and actions. This line of investigation came straight out of counter intelligence.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
7 y
SSgt Ray Stone - HE didn't mean that Obama actually hooked up the equipment. He meant the administration and functionaries in it did. The FBI/DOJ got the FISA Warrant and they both are accountable to the President. You are trying to hang your hat on the fact that Obama didn't actually sign the request but you must believe the Holder, Lynch and Comey kept him 100% out of the loop. That is a bridge too far for me.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
7 y
Cpl Craig Marton - It does speak volumes, if proves that he has a firm connection to reality.
LTC Jeff Shearer
LTC Jeff Shearer
7 y
Y'all, I have not read any of the T3 "wiretap" reports and the truth is I don't have a clue why they did any of it. I will say, something is not right, I have got a feeling there was a hole lot of jack-assery going on.
SSgt Ray Stone
SSgt Ray Stone
7 y
Cpl Jeff N. - Lol. So now you're a 45th translator. Why is it always " what he meant to say" or " he didn't mean it that way" . Yes its evident that he cant articulate himself. He meant what he said and was caught in one of his many lies.
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LTC Kevin B.
Edited 7 y ago
True, and it's also looking more and more like the Justice Department made a good call in doing the wiretapping.
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
7 y
SSG Robert Webster -

I am sticking with the facts. Any characterization otherwise is your issue, not mine.
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt
7 y
SSG Robert Webster I am not sure your reading comprehension is as developed as you believe it is.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
7 y
LTC Kevin B. - Let me try to put a finer point on it for you Kevin,

1. Manafort went under surveillance in 2014 due to some concerns about Russaia/Ukraine. it is unlikely Manifort knows this.
2. Manafort, at the time, was working with different people in the region
3. Manafort became the Campaign Chairman for Trump in March of 2016. Trump is likely not aware of the surveillance when he appoints Manifort
4. The DOJ and the FBI, knowing he is now a political operative continue surveillance of him now creating the opportunity to eavesdrop on political activity of the campaign.
5. At some point in late 2016 the surveillance stops due to nothing being found (according to the story).
6. At some point earlier this year it starts again.
7. Trump believes he has been "wire tapped" and says so in early March.
8. It is roundly denied and conspiracies accused by former admin officials and the media
9. We know that McCrystal was unmasked at some point but unclear if it is related to this or other wire tapping
10. Susa Rice has now admitted she did unmask people while having denied it for some time.
You can choose to accept this as all just normal stuff, nothing to see here etc. When Trump said he thought he was being wiretapped, none in the medial or on the left believed him. I think this revelation settles that one. The appointment of Manafort created the opportunity for political targeting that you seem willing to walk past. That may not have been the intent at the start but that is very likely where it ended up.
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
7 y
Cpl Jeff N. - Nothing that you have written disputes what I wrote, and nothing that you have written is proof of the assertions you're making. An "opportunity" for something to happen doesn't mean that it did happen. I had the opportunity to eat a burger for lunch. Does that mean I actually did? No. Trump believes he was wiretapped. Does that mean that he actually was? No. After all, he has been President long enough now that if the CIA, FBI, or anyone else had anything, you'd think he would have dug it up. After all, all of those people work for him now.

Plus, many people would quickly point out that both sides appeared to have been doing nefarious things in that election. One side was "supposedly" eavesdropping on the other. The other side was "supposedly" working with a foreign adversary to hack into opposition emails and publicly disclose them. An objective person would say either "I've seen no proof (yet)." or "Both sides appear to have been doing unsavory things." I'm in the former. Where are you?
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