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Responses: 4
COL William Oseles
Send him to Gitmo to be tried by the military tribunal. In addition to all the charges he would normally be facing add Treason to the list.
And since he fought for a foreign terrorist organisation begone proceedings to strip him of his citizenship taking his joining a foreign terrorist organisation as his renunciation.
Sgt Dale Briggs
Sgt Dale Briggs
7 y
Then hang him.
LCpl Jim Pleace
LCpl Jim Pleace
7 y
Outstanding. Of course Sgt. Briggs' suggestion would be cheaper and maybe send a stronger message but I think that's not who we are as a people
Sgt Dale Briggs
Sgt Dale Briggs
7 y
Maybe it how we should be when it comes to these guys, or stick them in GITMO until they draw their last breath. I've got no mercy in me for Isis fighters, i remember the Jordanian pilot they publically torched. No mercy on these guys, they don't deserve it.
SSG Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
SSG (Join to see)
7 y
Sir the Constitution requires two witnesses for the same treasonist act. As a U.S. Citizen have them tried in Federal Court. If a Naturalized Citizen and found Guilty revoke citizenship. Death Penalty is on the table but the last Military Person executed was in 1961. The current method of Execution is by Lethal Injection. The Gallows in the European theater, United States and the Pacific was Dismantled in the early 1980's. Firing Squads are also no longer a method of Execution. Who ever made these decisions had their head up their fourth point of contact. A lot of people say revoke citizenship and if the person is a naturalized citizen this can be easily done. Not so easy if the person is Native Born. As a U.S. citizen the courts can do a lot more to the POS. However even a conviction at Hard Labor. isn't Hard Enough. The insanity also requires a Full Medical Evaluation According to Army Regs. Prior to the Death Sentence being carried out. In other words the Military must say you are Healthy enough to be executed. I know because I was there giving a soldier a physical when he was considered for the Death Penalty. When it was discovered they had Terminal Cancer They were given Life in Prison with out the possibility of Parole. As Much as I hate Tratiors, Terrorist, and those that due us harm Let us not forget what made us a Great Country. A persons right to a fair trial and if a person is found guilty swift punishment. Although admittedly JAG's Definition of Swift often drags out to years.
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SrA Dean Updegraff
Why did they let him live. This is treason.
SSG Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
SSG (Join to see)
7 y
U.S. Constitution - Article 3 Section 3 " Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted."
The founding fathers made treason a difficult crime to prosecute. the person must either confess or their must be at least two witnesses to the same overt act of Treason.
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CPT Military Police
His status as an "enemy combatant" will afford him rights under the 1949 Geneva convention. It's a shame that this doesn't come as a shock anymore. Currently the U.S has taken into custody about 260 citizens which have chosen to fight for the enemy.
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