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Responses: 12
LTC Self Employed
CWO3 Dennis M.
CWO3 Dennis M.
7 y
LTC (Join to see) - Maj, I was the Assistant Combat Systems officer at the Puget Sound Naval Ship Yard. The Battleship's New Jersey and Missouri were in mothballs at the PSNSY. The Missouri bow and surrender deck were open to the public, but the ship itself was hermetically sealed and had not been entered since the end of the Korean war. We were the first to enter in Decades. When the order came to re-activate the four Iowa class Battleships, I was tasked by the CSO, CDR Moore, to enter with the Shipyard workers as the ship was opened up. Maj., it was like walking back in time. There were old typed carbon copies of notices on the bulletin boards, the mess decks looked like they were ready to feed sailors., Dental looked like a torture chamber, my how Dental has advanced since the 50's. I sat in Admiral Halsey's seat on the Bridge, and I even entered Admiral Halsey's stateroom. I saw his bed, phone, and desk. In the desk was a photo album from WWII with battle scenes captured that I doubt the public had ever seen. One in particular was a Japanese kamikaze Zero that flew into a gun mount. The remains of the pilot were clearly visible and not pretty. I was most likely the first Naval Officer to walked that ship from stem to stern on almost the entire ship since the very early 50's. I was very humbled to say the least.
As for the Queen Mary, my father was a sailor in WWII and he has photos of what I think is the Queen Mary all painted white with Red crosses, if it wasn't, I am sure it was some other liner. He told me about the troop s that they carried and the wounded they brought back.
PFC Mobile Gun System (Mgs) Gunner
PFC (Join to see)
7 y
I hope Texas is able to find the funds to properly maintain the Texas.
SFC Caretaker
SFC (Join to see)
7 y
PFC (Join to see) - they have government funding specifically for that. They just have to applying for them.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
7 y
CWO3 Dennis M. - awesome account Chief.
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SSG Edward Tilton
My Favorite was the Pennsylvania. They used it in an A Bomb test but it didn't sink. Then they had a large radioactive lump they had to deal with
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Capt Christian D. Orr
Aahh, the glory days of the battleships...
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