Responses: 1
Intra personal, interpersonal, and spatial. Would be ideal high markers for NCOs. I say this because; no matter the circumstance or condition, you are to be the epitome of competence and confidence. You must know yourself and your motivations so you never appear scared or worried unduly so but still remain approachable and human to those around you needing support. (Intra) You must be able to understand different motivations, moods, and personalities of the Soldiers around you, especially those working for you and those you work for. These Soldiers will encounter, and bring with them all kinds of issues. They will not understand the isuues fully or the root causes either. The better your interpersonal intelligence the greater your chances of working through difficult isuues quickly and convincing folks to do things they may otherwise be reluctant to do. As for Spatial intellect, that's too easy. Nothing ever goes as planned. A good leader is aware of the immediate situation and surroundings. Improvisation and flexibility are never-ending job requirements for EVERY Soldier.
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