Posted on Aug 26, 2017
Cops Attack Man, Confiscate Surveillance Video, But Cell Phone Survived, Showing Their Lies
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
I'd still like to know the whole story - the one LEO was talking about Mike touching him. Touching a cop can be assault and battery. Word of advice never touch a cop - however this does look like the sequel to Training Day?

State Law Makes it a Felony to Touch a Police Officer Even Off-Duty and Out of Uniform
blue privilege, Oklahoma, War on police
SPC David S.
Correct - I didn't see anything from the video - look more like a power play by the cops - the take down was more or less a sucker punch as well. Where's the whole I'm placing you under arrest; first I need to put some cuffs on you and then I'll explain to you what's going on - not slam him to the ground - for the second time tonight.
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