Posted on Aug 25, 2017
Senator Who Lost Both Legs In Iraq Blasts Trump's Military Transgender Ban
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4

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Tammy Duckworth Rocks
What I said in my comment and more I would tell any politician to their face. They have zero right to write to recognize the lgbt as anything but a private political group that does not "include" every homosexual, bisexual, transsexual, or transsexual in it or have the right to speak.
Miss Duckworth has no Constitutional Authority to use the word transgender and no legal authority to call me it!
Miss Duckworth has no Constitutional Authority to use the word transgender and no legal authority to call me it!
While I appreciate her sentiments I do not support her use of the offensive and civil rights violating term transgender.
I believe most if not all people who self-identify as lgbt are not fit for military.
To me they are one two types of people. Those who are legitimately intellectually challenged and those who are sexually exploiting them to create a singular group to support heterosexism.
Only a quitter says or an intellectually challenged person says I'll let you tell me my place and put you there. I see the lgbt as a place to dump anyone deemed as not heterosexual enough or man or woman enough and the lgbt activist getting off on helping with it.
You do not see them standing up and saying 85% of intersex identify as the sex they were listed at birth and as heterosexual within it.
What you see is them holding up the most visible 15% that don't and using them to drag the other 85% in.
When one of them steps up to say I don't like it they reach into their old dirty playbook and accuse them of homophobia or transphobia.
The same thing goes for people who meet the definition and that do not want to be associated with the umbrella term transgender at all.
The created a special label for us called transsexual separatist and put a bunch of transgender activist running groups for it designed to make anyone associated with them look bad.
Don't believe me Google transsexual separatist.
Its time to take lgbt language away from politicians and out of state and federal policy.
Its time to call it was and has been always about conversion therapy and illegal human experimentation.
Its time for lgbt activist to be seen as the sell outs and traitors they are.
It is never okay to use lgbt labels on me or to associate me with it and never will be.
I believe most if not all people who self-identify as lgbt are not fit for military.
To me they are one two types of people. Those who are legitimately intellectually challenged and those who are sexually exploiting them to create a singular group to support heterosexism.
Only a quitter says or an intellectually challenged person says I'll let you tell me my place and put you there. I see the lgbt as a place to dump anyone deemed as not heterosexual enough or man or woman enough and the lgbt activist getting off on helping with it.
You do not see them standing up and saying 85% of intersex identify as the sex they were listed at birth and as heterosexual within it.
What you see is them holding up the most visible 15% that don't and using them to drag the other 85% in.
When one of them steps up to say I don't like it they reach into their old dirty playbook and accuse them of homophobia or transphobia.
The same thing goes for people who meet the definition and that do not want to be associated with the umbrella term transgender at all.
The created a special label for us called transsexual separatist and put a bunch of transgender activist running groups for it designed to make anyone associated with them look bad.
Don't believe me Google transsexual separatist.
Its time to take lgbt language away from politicians and out of state and federal policy.
Its time to call it was and has been always about conversion therapy and illegal human experimentation.
Its time for lgbt activist to be seen as the sell outs and traitors they are.
It is never okay to use lgbt labels on me or to associate me with it and never will be.
PFC Lisa McDonald
Says the person who identifies as an umbrella term. At least I know what I am and don't have any kids calling me daddy!
PFC Lisa McDonald
SFC Fuerhoff you do not have a clue.
The VA lgbt care sets all of us to be forced to identify as transgender and illegally experiments on us. All the VA medical records are used to conduct experiments and are used in research.
You say I can choose not to identify as transgender, tell that to the unethical hacks promoting the transgender and lgbt illegal human experiment.
Until then I am going to exercise my freedom of speech and inform people we are not all down with the word transgender label or the lgbt in fact its sex discriminatory.
Also since you seem to enjoy thumbing down all my comments don't mind me for starting to return the favor.
The joys of being a PFC veteran being able to return fire with thumbs down article 15!
The VA lgbt care sets all of us to be forced to identify as transgender and illegally experiments on us. All the VA medical records are used to conduct experiments and are used in research.
You say I can choose not to identify as transgender, tell that to the unethical hacks promoting the transgender and lgbt illegal human experiment.
Until then I am going to exercise my freedom of speech and inform people we are not all down with the word transgender label or the lgbt in fact its sex discriminatory.
Also since you seem to enjoy thumbing down all my comments don't mind me for starting to return the favor.
The joys of being a PFC veteran being able to return fire with thumbs down article 15!
PFC Lisa McDonald
Take a look other than some jumbled comments people are getting a lot of what I have to say.
I am for starting an option to the lgbt especially for parents and their kids!
I am for starting an option to the lgbt especially for parents and their kids!
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