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SPC Anthony Schepis
Afghanistan will be Trumps war. North Korea won't be touched as long as they have Nukes and thousands of artillery.
Cpl Thomas Kifer
Cpl Thomas Kifer
>1 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - Now the nukes matter, but what of before NK had any nukes? NK in the hinge pin toward WWIII. No one believes China didn't at the vary least instigate NK to start a nuke program. And by doing so, steered the eyes away from China's own internal military build up. China also knows we are spread thin around the world. And with the make shift islands in the South China sea's. US does reconnaissance, but that's not slowing China down one bit. This whole NK situation has been planned by Chine a long time ago. And while not a fan of China, previous presidential administrations, and not just Obama's, have placed us in a bad situation.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
>1 y
Cpl Thomas Kifer - Most people believe that China simply did not care if NK had nukes or not, but them having Nukes did make something China fears far less liley an Invasion by the US, who has been doing a lot of that lately, resulting in a enemy on China's border, they lost hundreds of thousands of lives stopping that before and are no more interested in that now.

That bad situation started when we refused to even talk to China as our army was rushing at her border and there was no indication that we would stop at her border.

Sure China is pushing but it is not like that is not the norm everywhere
Cpl Thomas Kifer
Cpl Thomas Kifer
>1 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - Hopefully we have learned more about diplomacy this time around. So far its just been a lot of posturing.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
>1 y
With the State Department being gutted posturing may be all we have left. Saris what happens when diplomacy fails but it seems we want to get rid of the diplomats and skip that step.
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SGT Motor Transport Operator
No one loves a war like a president with low ratings
Cpl Thomas Kifer
Cpl Thomas Kifer
>1 y
Lord knows, Obama had more than most. Hell even Hillary pitched in and started a few.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
>1 y
Cpl Thomas Kifer - What war did Obama start?
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Monumental sabre rattling to distract from all the other areas where he is having problems.
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