Posted on Aug 22, 2017
Anonymous Posts LONG Listing of ANTIFA Members! Lots of School Teachers!
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
I'm interested in the picture that goes with the story. Everyone of the Anti-Fa protesters are wearing the Communist Party Hammer and Sickle. Two quotes come to mind: "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck" and “Therefore by their fruits you will know them”. These are Communists and we all fought against the Communists. I am amazed by the number of American's who think somehow these Communists are any better than the Maoist's and Leninists' who killed hundreds of millions of people in their "Cultural Revolutions".
ANON, cough NSA getting in the game. Imagine some more of this will be coming from both sides. Some will maybe have car wrecks or come up missing on camping trips. Tensions are so high that I'm surprised it hasn't escalated already. Not sure I like the idea of someone that radicalized teaching young Americans.
Suspended Profile
I doubt you'll see a lot of AntiFa people losing their jobs though. The same cannot be said for the KKK/Nazi folks who have been identified
SGT Chris Wagoner
Both groups are reprehensible but both also have the right to PEACEFULLY protest. It's the violence that is not lawful. Thanks for
the comment!
the comment!
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