Posted on Aug 21, 2017
US Navy Loss Of The USS Guardian, 2 Patrol Boats, USS Fitzgerald and USS McCain. Why Does The...
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
LT Brad McInnis
1stSgt Nelson Kerr Dangit Nelson, now you have me agreeing with you!!! Damned eclipse.... Have a good night buddy!
For years we had some of the best military leadership in the Navy without question. What in our officer corps has changed over the years? Do we expect the merchant marines to learn Naval combat? Different paths and missions. Back to the future. And stop shitcanning superior skilled COs for minor infractions.
LT Brad McInnis
MasterChief, I would ask you what extra duties were added to your job, that normally were handled by others? That same thing happens in the Wardroom. The fact is that we have for so long been proud of our "Jack of all trades, master of none; and that if itsn't hard SWO's wouldn't do it." Right now, that mentality is coming home to roost. I don't think the O'corps is worse, I think that there is just too much thrown at them that they have very tight timetables to get qualified.
MCPO Roger Collins
Not sure if the term SLJPO shitty little job petty officer. All the little mundane jobs assigned by ship's company. Someplace in my archives, I have my list of assignments. Including my "shitty little officer jobs", given to me, and others, for the reason you note. My point was, on the boats, I saw one WO. Had they been assigned to us, they would have filled these positions, and validation my opinion that the need for WOs and E-8/9 are redundant. JMHO, no disrespect to the O Corps.
Seamanship training should be finished when a new Ensign reports aboard his first ship. It's been years since I served, but I do not think the Navy is giving their Midshipmen enough bridge time. Below is typical of what a CG Cadet goes through.
My CG sea experience started as a 4/C on Eagle (295ft). I served as helmsman, lookout, messenger, ready boat crew, and various deck positions during all-hands evolution. As a 3/C, I served aboard Eagle and Chase (378ft) carrying out junior enlisted bridge duties. Boat crewmen during many boardings. As 2/C, operated many harbor utility boats in Miami, operated harbor tugs in New London, and continued sail training. As a 1/C, served in a junior officer role aboard a 82' patrol boat, and aboard Taney (327ft) qualifying to stand my own watch by the end of the patrol. When I reported to Gallatin (378ft) as an Ensign, I quickly qualified as OOD. I made my share of mistake, but never put the ship at risk.
For our Navy SWO members, what was your sea experiences before becoming an Ensign? How is seamanship training different between USNA and NROTC?
My CG sea experience started as a 4/C on Eagle (295ft). I served as helmsman, lookout, messenger, ready boat crew, and various deck positions during all-hands evolution. As a 3/C, I served aboard Eagle and Chase (378ft) carrying out junior enlisted bridge duties. Boat crewmen during many boardings. As 2/C, operated many harbor utility boats in Miami, operated harbor tugs in New London, and continued sail training. As a 1/C, served in a junior officer role aboard a 82' patrol boat, and aboard Taney (327ft) qualifying to stand my own watch by the end of the patrol. When I reported to Gallatin (378ft) as an Ensign, I quickly qualified as OOD. I made my share of mistake, but never put the ship at risk.
For our Navy SWO members, what was your sea experiences before becoming an Ensign? How is seamanship training different between USNA and NROTC?
SCPO (Join to see)
Midshipman summer training is basically summer camp. Nothing as intensive as you described.
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