Posted on Aug 18, 2017
Maybe Liberal #Charlottesville Was the Appropriate Place for a Klan Rally - Black & Blonde Media
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
I don't see it as hidden racism. Just take the voter ID issue and white liberal response. These elites actually think it is a tremendous burden and intellectual tasks for a minority to obtain an ID in this bigoted country. Therefore they have set low (read compassionate) standards for minority's which in fact hurt them.
SSgt Christopher Brose
You're right, it's not hidden racism. It's overt racism. They just don't want to call it that.
The left gets away with it because they're the left. The leftist media are the gatekeepers of thought and rage, so if they don't call it racism or if they excuse it because non-whites are supposedly incapable of racism, the leftists who get their information from them just nod their heads in bovine agreement and parrot the talking points.
The left gets away with it because they're the left. The leftist media are the gatekeepers of thought and rage, so if they don't call it racism or if they excuse it because non-whites are supposedly incapable of racism, the leftists who get their information from them just nod their heads in bovine agreement and parrot the talking points.
Interesting article and web site. Another possible example of hidden racism that has been brought forth is within the tax and utility rate hikes in Charlottesville. Historic black neighborhoods like Fifeville are taxed through the roof causing people to lose their homes. I don't know if it is caused by valuation changes or gentrification, but taxes are high. C'ville also recently increased their utility rate for natural gas which further burdens people having a hard time making ends meet. The city council then talks about having to provide "affordable, subsidized housing" thus moving these people to a state of dependency. Here's some additional, related reading:

PATEL: Gentrification hits home
It says a lot about the distribution of political power and socioeconomic class in the United States when the city of Florence spends money to revitalize an area that then excludes many of the poorer residents from being able to shop, eat or live there.
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