Posted on Aug 15, 2017
Father Disowns Neo-Nazi Son After Charlottesville Hate Rally
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 10
Let's hope Jesus Christ doesn't disavow Dad when dad screws up ! The bible is full of people that did a lot worse than this kid, yet God forgave them and redeemed them. So take great care how you judge this kid.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
LCpl Cody Collins Great Point. 21 Years as a Navy Spook. I've Done a Lot of Very Bad Things Over the Years.
I'm sorry but there is nothing that will make me disown my child. I may not approve or like what they have become or believe but they are still my child and they will always be welcome in my home. THis does not break the bond of love with my child. I would be severely disappointed and would try to work through it but those conversations we would just have to agree to disagree with but as God is with me and nothing can separate His love from me, nothing can take away that bond and love with my child.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Capt Dwayne Conyers - AMEN and AMEN...I apply the Hattie principal from Madea movies "WHIP DAT @$$ ONE GOOD TIME".
SrA John Monette
My wife and I have said the same to our sons. That’s a very strong bond and there should be nothing a family can’t overcome
I can't imagine what this father is going through. It's a tough spot to be in.
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