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Responses: 7
MCPO Roger Collins
What I find interesting is that the CMC, CO, or XO were in the dark. This was a systematic problem more than a Chief's Mess problem. All involved or oblivious are derelict in their duties and should pay the piper. In today's military, this is a good way to be shown the door. Actually, long ago in the dark ages, too.
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CPO Bernie Penkin
Sad news about the downfall of a CPO Mess. Have to admit, I have watched more than one career go down in flames due to fraternization. Even though fraternization rules exist, the military is more than likely to turn a blind eye to onboard relationships unless trouble flares up. Sadly by the time action is taken it is too late and the crew suffers for it.
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CPO Leading Chief Petty Officer (Lcpo)
I have seen this kind of dysfunction at another command, I have seen it several times actually.

I probably will never make Chief, this is because I am driven by a moral mentality. I take issue with the "Fraternity" the "Brother / Sister Hood" At some point a lesser Chiefs were allowed into the "Mess" and since then they have helped others to enter that institution. The Fraternity has become a corrupt pit of back room deals and cover each others backs, the only time anything is brought to the surface is when High Ranking people take action. What happened on the Hue City isn't new, or rare, and its the tip of the iceberg. Chiefs harassing people because of their skin, hair color, gender, or sexual orientation. I have seen them close ranks and take down Officers, try and silence people reporting racism, and harassing people reporting fraternization. I have seen them close ranks and vouch for each other right up till the Masts.

Why do they do this? Because its the Fraternity, if you turn on one of them they as a whole will destroy you that is the power they have. If one Chief goes against the flow if they push back they will be black listed anywhere they go, Choose not to be "initiated" and your warned they will call every command you go to and notify them your not one of them. The option is simple Join them or try and make it alone. Its aptly named the "Mess" because that is all I see coming from it.

I will say in my 13 years I have had the pleasure of serving with 2 Master Chiefs who I would follow anywhere and give my support to, I have served with a dozen Chiefs that I think can be trusted and while initiated are trying to keep their moral compasses pointed North. But as a First class I know I will need to spend the majority of my time defending and shielding my Juniors form the disaster that is the Chiefs Mess.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
7 y
There is a real difference between Chief and e-7s. We cannot always stop people from being promoted to E-7 and some of them are even initiated as Chiefs, but they never really learn the difference. Some really "OLD-TIME" Chiefs thought that beating a person into submission was what made a person into a Chief, but that is not the point of initiation, it is a lesson in life, that requires a special learning. Not all learn, most do and become the real Mess. I see you met a few, maybe one day you will be one, maybe not, but if selected for promotion, I sure do hope so. Good Luck in determining the difference when it happens CPO (Join to see).
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