Debate over US Confederate monuments intensifies

African chiefs urged to apologise for slave trade
Nigerian civil rights group says tribal leaders' ancestors sold people to slavers and should say sorry like US and Britain
Now to get an entry level job, you almost have to have a college degree in fields that in the past did not even require a HS diploma. And with college graduates that can not read or perform basic math (verified factual evidence), we have a major problem.
Highlighting to a double standard
While Washington is revered as an American hero, Lee's legacy as a Confederate General has rallied the masses in efforts to remove and rename places that once bestowed, if not with honor, at least serve as a place marker as a historical figure in our history. What is interesting in all this is that Washington wife's, Martha, was once married to Daniel Parke Custis. Daniel Curtis died in 1757 making Martha a wealthy widow which included a number of plantations and hundreds of slaves. Two years latter George and Martha were married at the 'White House Plantation'. While Martha and George didn't have any children of their own, Martha had four children with Daniel. One of which would bear Martha a Grandson, George Washington Parke Custis. Martha and Washington ended up adopting and raising GW as their son. Prior to Lee taking up residence at Arlington House - which happens to be on the grounds of Arlington National Cemetery - it was built by George Washington Custis via slave labor. To make matters more complicated Robert E Lee married none other than George Washington Custis's daughter - the only surviving child of George Washington Custis - Mary Anna Randolph Custis. She was in fact Lee's third cousin. Mary's mother and Robert E Lee's mother were second cousins. Lee's oldest son, George Washington Custis Lee, was named after Mary's father George Washington Custis. To add some irony Curtis Lee was born at Ft Monroe, VA, the same fort that was used to hold Jefferson Davis after he was captured.
Lee's northern nemesis Grant owned a slave as well.
While I get the reasoning behind many wanting to remove and rename things associated with the Confederacy the roots of slavery and prejudice run much deeper than just the Civil War. The reality is that the fountainhead of bigotry isn't the confederate flag, statues or really anything from our past - its the result of present-day ignorance.

White House (plantation) - Wikipedia
White House, an 18th-century plantation on the Pamunkey River near White House in New Kent County, Virginia, was the home of Martha Dandridge Custis (1731–1802) and Daniel Parke Custis (1711–1757) after they were married in 1750.[1][2] Troops of the Army of the Potomac under the command of George B. McClellan burned the house to the ground on June 28, 1862, as they retreated during the Seven Days Battles.[3]
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von Steuben was born and primarily raised in Magdeburg in the Duchy of Magdeburg and is situated on the Elbe River in what is now the state of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.
There is a lot of evidence contrary to the history as determined by the winner. Lincoln was not the wonderful guy history has painted of him.