Posted on Aug 12, 2017
Violence erupts as white nationalists descend on Charlottesville -- live updates
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 24
CWO3 (Join to see)
We don't like it or them, but they are protected by the Constitution. They had permits and it was planned, so whether we like them or not they still have a right of assembly and free speech. Right up to the point it becomes violent. Hating people is not illegal. Acting on that hate definitely is. Good luck with eradicating them, or any other groups on either side of the political spectrum, because they are within their rights until they become violent against others or violate the law in other ways.
Where are all the riot police with machine guns and tactical gear that show up anytime there is a peaceful #blacklivesmatter protest as Baltimore and Ferguson? Nevermind. I already know the answer to my own question...smh. And the police are allowing Nazi to mace protesters
SSgt Ray Stone
Shut up racist. BLM is formed out of reactionary due to cops not being convicted for slaughtering un armed Blacks .for you and your fellow RP brethren to lump them in with the alt right,KKK, and Nazi is racist period.I dont recall BLM burning crosses,gassing, and holding hate filled rally's. Name a group or someone who feels threatened by BLM. Lets not act as if the holice and Blacks don't have a bad history..recall the civil rights movement. Shut the Fuck Up
CWO3 (Join to see)
Good question. The response was definitely different. I do remember 5 cops being killed in Dallas at a Next Generation Action Network function though, so neither side is free of blame. Maybe the shooter was a lone wolf, but his actions were against LEO's trying to contain a protest that went wrong. A protest about the unlawful shooting of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. We can't stop people from conducting peaceful demonstrations, but they all start peacefully. Some become violent, but we have no way of knowing whether that is by design or accident. Given the parameters of peaceful assembly/demonstration and free speech it will be nearly impossible to prevent bad actors from using them as a cover for their actual motive of violence. The reality of this is that there are people on both sides of these issues that genuinely hate their opposition enough that they want to do them bodily harm. That is the root cause and larger problem. A problem that will likely never go away.
Current scene is dire in downtown #Charlottesville, where a car just drove into a crowd of anti alt right group
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