Posted on Aug 11, 2017
At boot camp, 3 out of 4 women fail to meet combat standards
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
I read a report a couple months ago stating that more than 50% of the draft age males aren't fit to be drafted. Unfortunately we have become a nation of couch-potatoes.
Cpl (Join to see)
That is very true. Shoot after I got married shortly after exiting while still on the IRR I gained a pretty significant amount of weight.
Cpl (Join to see)
SPC George Rudenko As close of an ally we are told we are with Israel I wonder why we haven't sought any guidance from them.
SFC (Join to see)
Cpl (Join to see) - Because the Israeli Army is not as integrated as you think it is. Their main combat units are male only. Most women in their "integrated" serve in instructor or support roles. Even their famous Caracal unit is really just a border patrol unit and not a front line unit. Lastly, Israelis don't have women in combat arms positions because it is an efficient use of manpower and talent...they do it out of sheer desperation because their enemies in the Middle east far out number their allies.
SPC George Rudenko
And they are conscripts forced to two year service but they live under the spectre of terror every day, and that effects how they approach their demeanor towards military service.

Suspended Profile
I love the blame game.
Recruiters are blamed for not getting recruits ready (which they aren't expected or directed to.) Drills are blamed that they can't get people to standards. Commanders on both sides are blamed for not being able to motivate their NCO's to achieve these metrics. what point do we finally get to admit that some people can't do some things? At what point do we put the responsibility on the -individual- for simply not being able to measure up, and move on?
...or even better, just accept reality?
Recruiters are blamed for not getting recruits ready (which they aren't expected or directed to.) Drills are blamed that they can't get people to standards. Commanders on both sides are blamed for not being able to motivate their NCO's to achieve these metrics. what point do we finally get to admit that some people can't do some things? At what point do we put the responsibility on the -individual- for simply not being able to measure up, and move on?
...or even better, just accept reality?

Suspended Profile
If it's been a long time since you were a recruiter, surely you know that gender neutral standards, and females in combat MOS's, are a new-ish thing. Safe to say they weren't when you wore the uniform? So you can't honestly say that you were expected to ready females to a standard that...didn't exist, for openings they couldn't take.
There's a big difference between getting someone ready for boot camp at the lowest standard, and the highest. It's going to take a -lot- more work for a female to get to the combat ability required...simple reality, can be done, but is far more difficult. I don't see how recruiters can be expected to spend all that extra time and effort on one person.
There's a big difference between getting someone ready for boot camp at the lowest standard, and the highest. It's going to take a -lot- more work for a female to get to the combat ability required...simple reality, can be done, but is far more difficult. I don't see how recruiters can be expected to spend all that extra time and effort on one person.
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