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Responses: 7
Cpl Software Engineer
I may sound a little harsh, but kick the little darlings to the curb! The social experiment is over.
PFC Lisa McDonald
PFC Lisa McDonald
7 y
Cpl Kirk Sain I believe those numbers to be incorrect.
How would you feel if someone has already legally and medically changed their sex and wants to enlist?
Or someone who wants to do one enlistment and then get out and transition?
Cpl Software Engineer
Cpl (Join to see)
7 y
Lisa, see above "...People serve as Soldiers/Sailors/Airmen/Marines..."

The statistics also give post-op transgenders a higher likely-hood of suicide. Our military doesn't allow people to join who've taken anti-depressants, why should we give deference to someone with suicidal ideation? If their willing to compromise military readiness when they are confused by simple biological gender, they don't belong. There are people being chaptered today who develop depressive behavior, why add to that queue.

I believe it's admirable that they would want to serve, but we deny service for lots of reasons and this issue should be one of them.
Cpl Software Engineer
Cpl (Join to see)
7 y
sandy, even if they didn't receive a medical benefit at the tax payers expense, serving to make a political statement is still selfish and disruptive considering their mental health is questionable. Gender Dysphoria is still a condition listed in the DSM regardless your personal feelings.
PFC Lisa McDonald
PFC Lisa McDonald
7 y
Cpl Kirk Sain the transgender numbers are crap.
Since 1973 more than just those who meet the more specific definition of being transsexual have been allowed to transition. I can provide you literature that supports me in making that statement and lots of it.
Transgender really caters to what was called transvestite type transsexualism aka autogynephlia a form of pseudo-transsexualism.
Certain mental health professionals have been deliberately allowing severely mentally ill people to transition to pollute the research field, negatively effect transsexual research, and to create and grow the transgender movement to justify their illegal human experimentation.
You can witness illegal human experimentation going on against people defined as being transsexual within the VA itself and in written transgender hormone guidelines
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PFC Lisa McDonald
I think its time for people like myself to file friend of the court briefs challenging the legality of any level of government or court recognition or use of lgbt labels or activist.
I believe it can easily be argued the LGBT represents long term and systematic sex discrimination and illegal human experimentation.
Transgender and the LGBT is s sham meant to continue the individual rights violations and illegal human experiments.
How can someone be an umbrella term?? How can words like transsexual and transgender be synonymous when one word is a specific medical term and the other has no medical value?
How is it separate groups that have no claim to having a medical condition effect the rights of those who legitimately have it so much.
I believe there is a criminal case to be made against the professionals who sat on and adopted and began promoting the lgbt labels and the grouping
I believe it's time to publicly expose as an illegal human experiment grouping
SSG Diane R.
SSG Diane R.
7 y
I agree, the term has been diluted to the point of uselessness. I think it is important in a legal brief to be as specific and technically accurate as possible.

I had a very long response written for another post and lost it all because I put my phone down for a second and it timed out. The Rally Point interface isn't the best in the world.
PFC Lisa McDonald
PFC Lisa McDonald
7 y
I hate that you can't edit your comment from a phone.
My personal belief (and I have plenty of supporting evidence) is there is no way possible the word transgender was either ethically or legally adopted at the professional level.
Certain professionals create their own gangs and sick them on people to force their positions. You can actually publicly doing it within lgbt spaces outside of the publics view
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LTC David Brown
Edited 7 y ago
Joining the military is not a right. The military can and does discriminate. The Marines rejected Ausie Murphy because he was to short. People with medical conditions are rejected. People are rejected because of age. The lower courts will rule against Trump the Supreme Court will up hold Trump. Suppose the president finds out we have a threat of a nuclear launch against America. He knows the approximate location of sub that will launch the missle. He orders a nuclear strike on that area of the ocean. I suppose the judges should get a say? When I was sent to Saudi Arabia my freedom of expression and freedom of religion were curtailed to insure the mission could be accomplished. You are not joining the boy or Girl Scouts. The UCMJ is a lot different than the civilian codes. Freedom of expression is severely curtailed. How you conduct yourself is much more regulated. Search and seizure is less stringent etc, etc, etc. Even having an affair is a criminal activity.
SSG Diane R.
SSG Diane R.
7 y
All true.
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