Posted on Aug 8, 2017
Three Reasons Why Veterans Leave The Military That They Love
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
I didn't leave the military. It left me (probably with good reason - I am an annoying SOB)
I don't think vets truly leave the military once they're out. It stays with them like a rash that won't quit or an ex asking for more money. For me and a few of my barracks buddies the military was a love/hate relationship, kinda like dating a stripper for the benefits but not fully realizing how crazy she was. We all had our reasons for leaving, some of us for reasons beyond our control, but we still serve in some capacity, not just for our country but for each other. In that sense we never truly left. Someday we'll be one of those gray hair grandpa's wearing a Legion or VFW hat, standing in the crowds grumbling about politicians and talking shit about the other branches. Despite everything vets never truly leave the military, they just receive new orders for civilian life.
I spent 23 years combined active and guard time. I spent the last 5 years working on full time orders. When the program I was working for ran out of money, I decided it was time to leave. I had spent several years before dealing with balancing a civilian career with my guard commitment. I couldn't really see going back to dealing with civilian employers not understanding how my guard time worked. I don't know how many times I got asked "so after this two week training, you'll be out of the military for good?"
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