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Responses: 1
LTC Multifunctional Logistician
This was a great debate and Ben should have jumped on Cenk when he stated money is property (43:24). The context was money in politics. If money is in fact property then the Supreme Court violated our Constitution by mandating the confiscation of my property to pay for someone else's Health Care Insurance. Cenk also stepped into it when he stated "we paid into it" when he was referring to Social Security, Medicare, and one other entitlement. Ben again should have discussed individual choice. What is the fiscal condition of these programs and can Americans make their own decisions. I know that I could have made more money in the stock market than the current 1,400 (approx) monthly SSC payout. And I thought the best was at (51:26) when Ben asked Cenk about which is better in politics: money or exposure when he was hinting at the fawning media coverage Mrs. Clinton received over her Democrat competitor and then the Republican field.
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