Posted on Jul 27, 2017
How to hack back legally … with the FBI’s help [Black Hat 2017]
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Hacking back should be legal - users should have a right to protect their data as well discourage hackers.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
It's not that easy and you could also find yourself being wrong and attacking a system owned by an innocent individual(s) or even a nation state (which look at those actions as an act of war). Even if you're right, you still have not removed the threat as the individual(s) behind the attack are still out there, fully capable of changing their vector.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Which is also assuming the attacker is using botnets. Not all use these as their primary attack vector. Especially those I'd be most worried about. My point is, a return fire attack has to be intricately planned and executed, with a high degree of intel confirming the identity of the attacker.
They will be trusted by CEHs, though. Legal documentation giving you authorization to wreck someone's day? Hell yeah.
PO3 Steven Sherrill A Recruiting Tool that has been used since back in the Black Box/Captain Crunch Days.
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