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Responses: 33
MCPO Roger Collins
This will create havoc, until the details are published regarding the logic behind the recommendations. Many policies established over the past eight years were pure PC and did nothing to add to our mission readiness or lethality.
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SSG Aircraft Mechanic
This is going to get the snowflakes knickers in a knot..
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Robert Webster
>1 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - "They do it because of how society treats them. Do you think they would kill themselves if they got acceptance and support? No they wouldn't." Then why are there "22" veterans AND service members 'per day' committing suicide? Isn't today's current society the one that keeps up with the mantra of "Thank you for your service?" So which is it, they commit suicide because the are treated badly or because they are treated well? Oh, wait a minute, it happens on both ends of the spectrum. Which in that case make your argument invalid.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
SSG Robert Webster - The 22 a day number is misleading and incorrect actually. You might want to research that as well.

Veteran suicide and transgender suicide are two very different things. Lots of people kill themselves EVERY DAY in the US. I believe the last number I saw after Chester Bennington killed himself and it was mentioned that 121 Americans a day commit suicide. That's for any number of reasons. Drug use. Depression. Who knows?

You also don't think that being ostracized by your entire family and friends wouldn't cause depression? Be real.

No my argument isn't invalid. How about you do a little research on the topic of suicide before you spout off on things? You are obviously very ignorant on the topic.
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Robert Webster
>1 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - Not ignorant on the subject, just pointing out the fallacies in your statement.
You stated that one group commits suicide because of "how society treats them" and you state it as a truism. I pointed out that a different group commits suicide despite "how society treats them."
Another item is your banal derision associated with the reference to the '22 a day' statement; though inaccurate it does serve a point. What is interesting is that maybe you should read up on the subject yourself and instead of using the same 'old' argument' base your argument on the latest reports that are twice as comprehensive as the earlier one. The lead up in one of the most recent story (news article) is that (oh wait for it (disdainful)) - approximately 20 a day. "Roughly 20 veterans a day commit suicide nationwide, according to new data from the Department of Veterans Affairs — a figure that dispels the often quoted, but problematic, "22 a day" estimate yet solidifies the for the problem and replaces it with an equally disturbing mental health crisis the number implied." (I wonder what solidify and equally disturbing mean?)
So get off of your hobby horse and quite calling people ignorant, because they do not necessarily agree with you.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
SSG Robert Webster - No you didn't.

I have no idea what the hell you just tried to say. Let me break it down for you:



The suicide attempt rate among transgender persons ranges from 32% to 50% across the countries. Gender-based victimization, discrimination, bullying, violence, being rejected by the family, friends, and community; harassment by intimate partner, family members, police and public; discrimination and ill treatment at health-care system are the major risk factors that influence the suicidal behavior among transgender persons.


Rejection by friends and family increases suicide risk
Transgender people who are rejected by their families or lack social support are much more likely to both consider suicide, and to attempt it. Conversely, those with strong support were 82% less likely to attempt suicide than those without support, according to one recent study. Another study showed that transgender youth whose parents reject their gender identity are 13 times more likely to attempt suicide than transgender youth who are supported by their parents.

Discrimination increases suicide risk
Transgender people in states without LGBT legal protections are at higher risk of suicide. Other studies have found that transgender people who have been discriminated against are at a higher risk of suicide. What makes this worse is that discrimination against transgender people in health care, employment, accommodations, and housing is very common. Even in places with legal protections for transgender people, like Washington D.C., cultural bias and discrimination remains.

Physical abuse increases suicide risk
Transgender people who have been physically or sexually abused because they are transgender are at a higher risk of suicide. As the number of abusive incidents increases, the more likely the person is to have attempted suicide. The amount of abuse is also associated with the number of time suicide has been attempted. Again, studies on how often transgender people are assaulted show shockingly high levels of violence.

Notice how all the risks have NOTHING to do with someone being transgender and EVERYTHING to do with how they are treated?

You don't think all these things wouldn't cause extreme depression? Veteran suicides are generally due to PTSD or MST. If they don't get the help they need, that worsens it. That's why many commit suicide they don't think they can get help. There might be some who are ostracized by their family. I don't know each individual case of suicide.

You don't have to agree with this but it's true.
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MAJ Bryan Zeski
How about from the President's own mouth? It's a terrible and awful policy decision to disown our currently serving Transgender Servicemembers.
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