Posted on Jul 24, 2017
10-year-old victim raped by uncle fights for right to abortion
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
First and foremost, "ONE RACE...HUMAN". Second, when I join the Corps, I as we all did, took an oath. That oath to me meant I was honor bound to protect all those who could not protect themselves from harm. It's semantic to than say who has a right to our protection. Unfortunately all I can do is voice an opinion. And that in it's self is weak at best. Leaving alone my religious conviction, which are mine and not to placed on others, I'll leave it to God to decide if I made the right call. But to the question at hand, the woman, and in this case the young girl should have the ultimate choice as any woman should. I would rather always save the unborn, but it is not my choice, it is hers.
I missed that this was in India. We have no rights to tell another country what to do just as we have the right to tell the other countries NOT to tell us what to do. The following is based on this being in the USA:
For some reason, people feel that it is THEIR right to determine whether people should have medical procedures or not. The Abortion issue to me is STUPID. I personally would love that there would never be an abortion. Then again, I am a male and will never be impregnated.
My pet peeve is using abortion as Birth Control. Too many religious groups are ANTI birth control and also anti abortion. They also do NOT adopt.
In answer to the question... YES. Government should provide the service in cases of rape, incest, or when the mother would NOT be able to carry the infant to delivery (doctor determined). Government should NOT pay for abortions as birth control. That should be the financial burden of the two involved &/or their parents.
Banning birth control all together just ask people to back to the back alley and die so some people can sleep better knowing they are NOT responsible. Do NOT make abortion illegal. Let the Doctors decide if it too late, not the churches or legislators (we know they are hardly ever right). Do NOT make all abortions free either. It is NOT birth control unless YOU want to pay for it.
My $0.02. I know it will offend some, but a friend once told me it was OK to kill people at abortion clinics as it saved others lives. I told him we could debate when a life starts, but if you kill an adult, you just ended a known life. He had no problem with that and still call himself a "Christian".
For some reason, people feel that it is THEIR right to determine whether people should have medical procedures or not. The Abortion issue to me is STUPID. I personally would love that there would never be an abortion. Then again, I am a male and will never be impregnated.
My pet peeve is using abortion as Birth Control. Too many religious groups are ANTI birth control and also anti abortion. They also do NOT adopt.
In answer to the question... YES. Government should provide the service in cases of rape, incest, or when the mother would NOT be able to carry the infant to delivery (doctor determined). Government should NOT pay for abortions as birth control. That should be the financial burden of the two involved &/or their parents.
Banning birth control all together just ask people to back to the back alley and die so some people can sleep better knowing they are NOT responsible. Do NOT make abortion illegal. Let the Doctors decide if it too late, not the churches or legislators (we know they are hardly ever right). Do NOT make all abortions free either. It is NOT birth control unless YOU want to pay for it.
My $0.02. I know it will offend some, but a friend once told me it was OK to kill people at abortion clinics as it saved others lives. I told him we could debate when a life starts, but if you kill an adult, you just ended a known life. He had no problem with that and still call himself a "Christian".
I'm against abortion for any reason, but there can be a justification in this case since the girl is only 10yrs old. If there is a Ob/Gyn in RallyPoint, they can describe what this very young mother's body will go through during a full term. If no unusual harm will come to her, then the baby should be born. I hope the baby can be taken care of someone outside of this unhealthy environment.
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