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Responses: 2
CW3 Counterintelligence Technician
Edited >1 y ago
My advice is to not take *any* of them at face value. News is important, yes, but when they are clearly on a mission to make one person look bad no matter what, then they are no longer impartial, and therefore not real news. CNN and MSNBC--as well as--some long standing larger newspapers such as the New York Times and Washington Post have all been exposed as printing blatant attack pieces and biased opinions passed off as news stories. Fox News does it as well (only not nearly as much it seems, and obviously from the Right-wing perspective).

We still need to get our news somewhere, but if you are going to get it from a major outlet in this type of media environment, you need to be critical of everything they say, because it may only be an opinion piece or "half-truth" at best. I have often found that most of One America News seems to just report the news like the others used to, however even they will have their right leaning news "opinion" shows.

This is why teachers shying away from teaching the Socratic Method of learning in schools these days is such a bad thing. There are many people out there who just automatically believe everything they read or hear. There seems to be less and less critical thinking. In my opinion, this can be very toxic. Luckily this lack of critical thinking doesn't seem to be as prevalent in the military. Probably because we teach critical thinking to our leaders... What do you think 1stSgt Nelson Kerr ?

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Most seem to either have an agenda they are pushing or maybe its their boss that perverts their story to fulfill the cause of the organization.
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