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Responses: 3
SPC Kevin Ford
Need to have those cameras always on. Controlling when they are on also controls the narrative.
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CPO Leading Chief Petty Officer (Lcpo)
Tell a thousand truths and no one will bat an eye tell one lie and all your truths come into question.

It is refreshing to see them clean their house, but at this point everyone he ever testified against has cause to get his testimony thrown out. His testimony in other cases after this should never have happened he is a tainted witness. When its all said and done he needs to be kicked off the force along with his two pals. If your going to clean house do it right.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
7 y
I agree with you on the officer that planted the evidence. The article doesn't make clear the role the other 2 officers played or didn't play. Did they start the investigation? I would need to learn a bit more about the other two before saying they should also be fired.
CPO Leading Chief Petty Officer (Lcpo)
CPO (Join to see)
7 y
SFC (Join to see) - Reading that they watched him walk over to where he stashed the drugs, then walk back then say he is going to go look for drugs where he was just at.... you think they didn't know what was up?
SrA Mike VanDeMark
SrA Mike VanDeMark
7 y
CPO (Join to see) - Honestly, it would depend on the situation. They may have all been looking around, and he just wandered off. I would like to think they didn't know what he was up to, but...
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
7 y
CPO (Join to see) - I agree the 2 officers look guilty as sin. I also know pictures and video can be very deceiving at time. I also know that depending on a situation, someone may not want/be able to immediately stop every injustice they witness. Depending on the situation, if they came forward later they might be decent people. I have seen a few innocent people railroaded in my time when they did no wrong, that’s why I say give every scum bag their day in court before we hang them. I guess my fear is if I’m ever in the wrong place at the wrong time, and haven’t done anything bad: I don’t want to get lynched. Mobs can be very ugly… and very deadly.
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SSgt Ray Stone
Their is another video recently of a man catching a cop red handed breaking into his vehicle. Cop knew he was in the wrong. See if I can find it
CPO Leading Chief Petty Officer (Lcpo)
CPO (Join to see)
7 y
SSgt Ray Stone
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