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Responses: 6
LTJG Richard Bruce
One cannot change their gender. They can carry out non-traditional gender roles. A male cannot learn to be female or vice versa. A man growing long fingernails or hair, or having their manhood cut-off is not a woman. He is a mutilated man with long hair and fingernails.

Those who declare themselves a "Trans" are living a gender role based on observations of the other sex. For example, if a village of all males existed without any females how would a "Trans" learn to be a female? How would a person know they were "Trans"?
Or, can a blind and deaf person ever become "Trans"? Or if a village of coal mining women with one male, would the male "Trans" act out as a coal miner since he would have no other experience with any other type of women?

I contend that being "Trans" is purely based on one's environment and interpersonal interactions. There is no genetic component. If one's environment can make one become "Trans", then changing that environment can make them "Un-Trans". This is a case of mental health professionals.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
Actually gender is a social construct - your sex is biological. So you can change your gender.

How does any transgender person know they are transgender? They just know just like gay people know they're homosexual.
I'm a heterosexual female. I have always known and felt that I am a heterosexual female. One of my brothers is a homosexual man. He has always known since he was five that he is attracted to other males.

I'm pretty sure there are blind and deaf transgender people. Not all transgender people conform themselves to society's view of female or male.

Environment doesn't make someone transgender. Why would anyone choose to be something that causes them to be discriminated against and cast out? That's like saying homosexuals "choose" to be that orientation. No they don't. Why would anyone choose that when there are homosexuals who get killed in some parts of the world and even here? Why would you choose that life if it wasn't something you could control? The choice they make is hiding it. I've thought about how my brother lied to us for most of his life. How sad it is that he never got to experience things that most teenagers do. First date. Prom date. Telling his crush he liked him. He had to lie every single day and no one should have to do that.
LTJG Richard Bruce
LTJG Richard Bruce
>1 y
People do things all the time that causes them to be discriminated against and cast out. Why are those who engage in homosexual activity somehow exempt from scrutiny? When did it become wrong to not accept what a small group of people do outside society's norms? Why must everyone tolerate what anyone does whenever wherever and whatever they desire to do?
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LTC Psychological Operations Officer
"It's about time...someone weighs in". LOL. This is an article from 2015 and there have been tons of stuff from other doctors weighing in disagreeing with him.
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SPC James Thompson
I'm not sure why there is such a focus on here for 'transgender', most of the posts I see are supporting it as if it were something to be celebrated. I commented on one such post a few days ago and was promptly called a few names and my education was called into question. The definitions of male, and female are defined by chromosomes in our DNA. I doubt that any surgery alters those chromosomes to actually change gender.
According to Wikipedia, the "World Health Organization" defines gender as "'[g]ender' refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women" and that "'masculine' and 'feminine' are gender categories."
Yet the dictionary, Webster's defines it as
"a : sex: 'the feminine gender'
b : the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex"
"Medical Definition of gender
1: sex 1
2: the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex"
So the World Health Organization wants to change the definition of "gender" to something that suits their purpose to promote "transgender" behavior.
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I'm with you, Jim.
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