Posted on Jul 18, 2017
That Drug Expiration Date May Be More Myth Than Fact
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
I've used pain reliever that was a year past it so called expiration date, worked just as well as new ones.
SSgt Ryan Sylvester
The only thing that really gets affected with dry pills is potency. And that's pretty negligible, from my experience. Granted, I wouldn't trust any gel caps beyond expiration, but Motrin? Hell, I keep that stuff stockpiled next to the MREs.
Best rule of thumb: if it's dry and sealed, you're probably safe. If it's dry and open, check for discolorations, but you're still probably safe. If it's liquid, pitch it.
(0) not store your medications in the bathroom. the moisture can affect most cases, you are ok with expired medications...
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