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Responses: 11
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Manning released TONS of classified info because Manning felt slighted and discriminated against. That is NOT a justification to release classified material (regardless of what was within). Nor was Manning holding the authority to determine if this material should have been released. Nor could Manning have reviewed all of said material. Therefore, Manning had NO IDEA what Manning was releasing. For all Manning knew, there COULD have been info that could have lead to Soldiers getting killed. I find it rather frightening that you support Manning on that, and consider Manning a hero. Manning is a criminal and a traitor. As far as I'm concerned, Manning is lower than the single celled amoeba that floats around on the bottom of the ocean.
SSG Diane R.
SSG Diane R.
>1 y
All the Manning material was released through WikiLeaks, where it was collated, vetted and curated. Wikileaks is a godsend to anyone who loves freedom and privacy.
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
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SSG Diane R. - Those documents came from Manning. It doesn't matter where it was collated, vetted and curated. The funny thing about that little white speck on the top of chicken sh*t. That little white speck is chicken sh*t too.
SSG Diane R.
SSG Diane R.
>1 y
I can't say that I agree with your perspective on this Thomas. I am a supporter of WikiLeaks and Snowden.

Snowden was proven right when he warned us about the cyber weapons that both CIA and NSA had and how, should they be inadvertently or deliberately released Into the Wild, they would be more dangerous than nuclear weapons. We should have heeded his warnings.
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
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SSG Diane R. - I repeat...."The funny thing about that little white speck on the top of chicken sh*t. That little white speck is chicken sh*t too."
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TSgt Kenneth Ellis
Hes not a woman. He does not have the chromosomes or a vagina. He never had his penis amputated. Abd he should hage gotten a firing squad. Not just 25 years.
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Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
The bottom line with Manning is that he released classified video that wasn't his to release...PERIOD. It wasn't his authority to do so. Whether or not he thought it was the right thing to do or not is irrelevant...he released documents when that decision wasn't his to make. something may have been classified for a reason that he didn't know as a PRIVATE...where did he get all wise. He broke the law and in my opinion should still be locked away for life. Don't care about the transgender crap...that is white noise...what he did was wrong and by releasing him we told every other 18 year old kid right out of High School that you know what is best for our country so you can share any of this with any one...you may get a little jail time but it will be worth it...WRONG!!!!!
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