Posted on Jul 11, 2017
Scientists say 'prelude' to the sixth mass extinction is happening right now
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
We can't totally blame Nature for this one; assuming the theories are correct. For those that believe somewhat in Creationism there has to be thought given to our Creator having a reason for making all these species. We know that all creatures play a part in the overall picture, so it's likely not good to lose them. The dinosaurs went away and Earth survived, so maybe the same principle applies, but some of these creatures play a role and will be missed. They are more than just pretty to look at in the wild or in zoos. I think we need to be conscious of the environment and protect it within reason. It's a better scenario than trying to colonize Mars. If we believe in the Big Bang theory it still led to these species evolving and surviving. It would be a wild guess to believe man-made carbon emissions are part of evolution though, because of the remote chance that man's inventions were pre-ordained. Many were just a result of experimentation and ingenuity. Mankind seems to be the wild card or variable in that equation.
"However, this sixth mass die-off is largely due to human activities, such as population growth, habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change."
"However, this sixth mass die-off is largely due to human activities, such as population growth, habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change."
Sometimes I wonder if it is God's equivalent to flushing the toilet and starting over again. The Flood, comets, global ice ages - who knows what's coming next. My guess is ozone depletion or air pollution. He's getting plenty of help with both of those.
Erin Nelson
The next great travesty shall be magnetic, though it's devastation will not be directly upon humanity but our technologies. Not all, just everything that is dc or attached to the grid. :( And with the greatest weakening occurring in the middle of the US we shall get to experience this first. Ever pay attention to anomalous technology in ancient cultures. How about an 18 thousand year old tablet with An apache helicopter, fighter jet, submarine, etc. Google abydos helicopter, from the temple of abydos in the SETI II complex in Egypt. Sumerians utilized an extremely complex 36,000 year calendar,as do the Mayans and the Incans, choco canyon in New Mexico is a giant observatory and calendar the toltec aztec version of why did these places, on opposit sides of the globe use 36000 year calendars aligned to eachother, to the solstice and in alignment with orions belt despite orion not being visible to half the planet. If these ancient cultures really had advanced technologies what hapoened to them and the. technologies they possessed.
There is only one single event that recurs in clockwork on a 36,000 year cycle, that is our polar reversal, though some what a misnomer as we flip in quarters not wholes. Any geoligist, any archaeologist and any other study urilizing the direction of iron molecules as a means of age dating verification can verify.
The sun flips it's poles every 11 years, the earth flips every 36,000 years. We started our journey across the center of the universe a little over 6 yrs ago taking an approximated 11 to 13 years to pass through. That puts us smack dab in the middle and our magnetic field is degrading at an extremely increased rate. First appearing as overall weakening now as we draw nearer the flip point this is viewed as a weakening in our hemisphere with the greatest point being right in the middle of the us, and a strengthening over Asia.if therebwas indeed ancient technology similar to our own, and lacking an understanding and integration of a bipolar adaptability, as in majority we as a whole lack this understanding now, then the reversal effectively nullifies all technology. And since we are always advancing from where we are without knowledge of the beginnings and steps bringing technology to its current point, then back to the dark ages we go, except for a handful of miniscule but useful applications which most scientist and many school kids may be aware to replicate, say items such as the baghdad battery. Hmmm pause for thought. 2nd pause if younarevat all familiar, it may bring thoughts of the planet of the crossing which we now understand that we are, and the return of the Annunaki every 36000 years, perhaps we may yet find ourselves in position with another body to which only at perhilion, bring us close enough in proximity to warrant such a claim, yet such advanced knowledge began somewhere. Ok I think I veered far enough down the rabbit hole lol. Backgrounds in Archaeology, Theology Philosophy, Technology as far as earned degrees go, as well as an eidetic memory and an interest in most everything, I am able to link together various aspects without trying.
There is only one single event that recurs in clockwork on a 36,000 year cycle, that is our polar reversal, though some what a misnomer as we flip in quarters not wholes. Any geoligist, any archaeologist and any other study urilizing the direction of iron molecules as a means of age dating verification can verify.
The sun flips it's poles every 11 years, the earth flips every 36,000 years. We started our journey across the center of the universe a little over 6 yrs ago taking an approximated 11 to 13 years to pass through. That puts us smack dab in the middle and our magnetic field is degrading at an extremely increased rate. First appearing as overall weakening now as we draw nearer the flip point this is viewed as a weakening in our hemisphere with the greatest point being right in the middle of the us, and a strengthening over Asia.if therebwas indeed ancient technology similar to our own, and lacking an understanding and integration of a bipolar adaptability, as in majority we as a whole lack this understanding now, then the reversal effectively nullifies all technology. And since we are always advancing from where we are without knowledge of the beginnings and steps bringing technology to its current point, then back to the dark ages we go, except for a handful of miniscule but useful applications which most scientist and many school kids may be aware to replicate, say items such as the baghdad battery. Hmmm pause for thought. 2nd pause if younarevat all familiar, it may bring thoughts of the planet of the crossing which we now understand that we are, and the return of the Annunaki every 36000 years, perhaps we may yet find ourselves in position with another body to which only at perhilion, bring us close enough in proximity to warrant such a claim, yet such advanced knowledge began somewhere. Ok I think I veered far enough down the rabbit hole lol. Backgrounds in Archaeology, Theology Philosophy, Technology as far as earned degrees go, as well as an eidetic memory and an interest in most everything, I am able to link together various aspects without trying.
PO2 Richard C.
Erin Nelson - Interesting hypothesis that the next event will be magnetic. However, if the impact is technological instead of biological does it really qualify as a mass extinction event? One could argue that the probable mass reduction in the number of humans as the result of such a technological event, along with the parallel positive environmental impact, could actually be a benefit to other organisms. Nature would be allowed to run its course without interference. There will always be species in the process of becoming extinct. Disease, predation and/or environmental shifts can take any species below critical mass over time. The fact that multiple species are simultaneously at various levels towards extinction does not constitute a "mass extinction" unless the cumulative losses can be attributed to a single causal event. In the same sense, the loss of any single species, even humans, is not a "mass" extinction. It is extinction.
The concept of anomalous technologies in ancient cultures has always been a fascinating topic, but one that I have a certain level of skepticism about. To say that an image on an ancient temple wall is an Apache helicopter or fighter jet is pure speculation or projection on the part of the observer unless he/she knows exactly what the creator was thinking or intending to portray. Without that knowledge, any image is subject to individual interpretation. It is the tangibles that are intriguing. The Antikythera mechanism and Nebra sky disk demonstrate levels of technology or astronomy and precision that are difficult to understand given the cultures that created them. Did you ever wonder how much mankind was set back technologically and scientifically by the destruction of the libraries at Alexandria and Pergamum? We might already have planets terra-formed and occupied.
The concept of anomalous technologies in ancient cultures has always been a fascinating topic, but one that I have a certain level of skepticism about. To say that an image on an ancient temple wall is an Apache helicopter or fighter jet is pure speculation or projection on the part of the observer unless he/she knows exactly what the creator was thinking or intending to portray. Without that knowledge, any image is subject to individual interpretation. It is the tangibles that are intriguing. The Antikythera mechanism and Nebra sky disk demonstrate levels of technology or astronomy and precision that are difficult to understand given the cultures that created them. Did you ever wonder how much mankind was set back technologically and scientifically by the destruction of the libraries at Alexandria and Pergamum? We might already have planets terra-formed and occupied.
Erin Nelson
PO2 Richard C. Yes the article is on extinction however in my statement I say the next devastation
PO2 Richard C.
Erin Nelson - Mea culpa and mea apologia. You are correct. I paid more attention to the subject of the article than your response. Twenty slaps to the back of my hand for my oversight.
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