Posted on Jul 2, 2017
House bill that would allow Congress to remove Trump from office gains momentum after Trump's...
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 12
So much wishful thinking. The Dems even think their record of losing all four recent special elections prove that they are going to retake the House in the next election. And Unicords are farting rainbows...
CWO3 (Join to see)
LTC David Brown - Dems managed to beat Reps in baseball 11-2. Reps had alibi though; Rep Scalise was in ICU fighting for his life. Am a bit surprised the Dems didn't have a day or so of victory press conferences. It's about all they've won since 2010.
MAJ James Woods
CWO3 (Join to see) - Whether it be calls for impeachment or 25th amendment, none of it can be taken seriously when GOP controls both houses of Congress and Trump's base will never be amused by anything that is critical of Trump.
CWO3 (Join to see)
MAJ James Woods - Seems they all now have a wait and see outlook. Those up for election soon have to pick a side and roll the dice. The ones that are safe are either keeping quiet or saying little when they do speak. If something leads to definite misconduct they'll come out in droves with "how'd this happen" or "we need to get to the bottom of this" because supporters will be guilty by association. I just want it behind us but this could linger for a year or more and nothing is getting done. It can't end in a tie so a lot of folks are going to be disappointed or damaged either way. IMO 2/3 or more of Congress need to go because they've sold us all out long ago.
I think he's having fun just needling them. They don't understand that this is how he is and always has been. He's not a politician. That's what I like about him.
CWO3 (Join to see)
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - I'm not sure he realizes how much these tweets can be used against him; in more ways than just public opinion. Some of the courts referred to his tweets as a basis for intent with immigration ban. Just one example but he is making life harder on himself than needed, all in the interest of communicating with his base. He's making it harder on the Party to push their agenda also, because it gives the opposition ammo and sound bytes. It doesn't bother me because I've mostly accepted it as nothing I can change, but some within the Party have spoken out for him to tone it down for the good of the agenda. Media loves the ratings and the World is confused. The main damage internationally is concerns about when they should take him seriously. Tomahawks have seemed to clear that up though.
SSgt Christopher Brose
CWO3 (Join to see) - "Some of the courts" just had their asses handed to them by the Supreme Court of the United States. If liberal idiots on lower courts deliberately choose to ignore the law and focus instead on something else, that's not a reflection on Trump, or even on his tweets.
CWO3 (Join to see)
I detect a little angst. If I had the motivation it would be interesting to find out who appointed the liberal idiots you refer to, but it wouldn't change anyone's alternate reality on things. It's comical to see posts responded to so vehemently. Even when I make a true statement that Trump is making life harder on himself with his idiotic tweets, it's met with such a thin-skinned response. Here's an FYI though - his tweets are definitely making his life harder than it should be, but if he enjoys making an ass of himself let him have fun with it. It's entertaining at least and not much more because he's harmless. All show and no go. It will all be fine in time so why sweat it?
LTC (Join to see)
CWO3 (Join to see) - well in the case of the F-35 only General Dynamics was happy while the taxpayer and the military suffered and still suffers.
CWO3 (Join to see)
LTC (Join to see) - heard that. That's been one big money pit. USAF guys are better qualified to say but besides cost it seems to be having more than the normal problems with rollout. Saw one article about stealth saying it wasn't what they advertised. Was too technical for me, but had something to do with a version of software. Maybe too technical by design. So they can tell public they have it under control - while they hit Congress up for more cash. I thought rolling all three variants into one was very risky, considering the B is STOVL. Total cost of project $1.5 trillion = a lot of military-industrial happiness management for Lockheed-Martin.
LTC (Join to see)
CWO3 (Join to see) - president GW Bush put it into production before the Prototype was fully vetted. A presidential override of the procurement Quality Control process is what has caused this plane to be a white elephant were they had to keep making changes along the way and where the power plant couldn't put out as much power as it was supposed to ord had fatigue failure at 115% of power all kinds of stuff but basically it's a hundred sixty five billion dollars and six years behind schedule. That is why Canada and Australia have opted out and are going to go for the F-18 Super Hornet as the interim fighter until I figure something else out.
SSgt Christopher Brose
Sgt Wayne Wood - Actually, the VP and Cabinet are not the only ones who can begin the removal of the President according to the 25th Amendment. "Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments OR OF SUCH OTHER BODY AS CONGRESS MAY BY LAW PROVIDE..." (emphasis added).
The kicker is the "by law" part. It means the loony-left liberals in Congress would have to get enough support from the rest of Congress to pass the bill and override Trump's veto in order to establish "such other body" that would have the authority to remove Trump. It's just not going to happen.
The kicker is the "by law" part. It means the loony-left liberals in Congress would have to get enough support from the rest of Congress to pass the bill and override Trump's veto in order to establish "such other body" that would have the authority to remove Trump. It's just not going to happen.
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