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Responses: 7
CPT Jack Durish
The Cold War continued for several decades until we decided to fight it. Then and only then, the other side collapsed. The Soviet Union never doubted for a moment that we were at war and fought tooth and nail to win it. The parallel between this and the war between Left and Right in America seems clear to me. America as the Right understands it has been under assault ever since Woodrow Wilson set pen to paper and mapped the fundamental tenants of American Leftism: That only a select few, the intelligentsia, are fit to make the important decisions and that they should be presented by a strong Executive. The logical conclusion of this movement is Globalism. After all, if only a select few are fit to rule America, only a select few are fit to rule the world. Well, President Trump may well be the last choice that We the unwashed masses, the People, may get to choose and the Left is attacking him unmercifully. It's time to join the side we're on and take up the fight. We can do it with simple push back now or with guns and blood later. Our choice...
Sgt Wayne Wood
Sgt Wayne Wood
>1 y
Read it before Capt Jack... but if the average Johnny Reb was interviewed he fought for states rights or to protect his home & family...

Lets not rehash those arguments... suffice to say that The modern grunt fights for home & family... and his brothers.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
Sgt Wayne Wood - No argument there. After reading just about everything I could find about the Civil War, I began reading diaries and collections of letters, and not one Rebel mentioned slavery. Nor did they mention States Rights. They fought for their homes which in their minds were their states. Sadly, their state leadership started the war and prosecuted it to maintain slavery. Thus, all who fight for their nation state must be cautious to look beyond the propaganda that the leadership uses to start and maintain the war in which we are asked to fight. Otherwise, we are mere dupes.
Sgt Wayne Wood
Sgt Wayne Wood
>1 y
I remember reading a possibly apocryphal account of a Yankee reporter interviewing a rebel POW.

When the prisoner was asked why he fought, the reporter was puzzled as to why anyone would fight for "rats"... eventually he figured it out... "states rats" :-)
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
Sgt Wayne Wood - When I arrived at the Army Reception Center at Ft Jackson, I shared a tent with 4 fellas from West Virginia and one from Massachusetts. The Yankee sat on his bunk listening in wide-eyed wonder to the four country boys. Eventually he turned to me and asked if I understood anything they were saying. I spent the next three days until we shipped out for BCT, interpreting for them. It's not just a matter of accent (I know the difference between "All" and "Oil") but also idiom
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LTC Marc King
It's not uncommon for armed civil conflict to stray with a palace coup! If we don't get our "Sierra" thightened up and start acting like a unified central government the way this country will fracture is almost unimaginable. Economics was the trigger in 1860, are we looking at a different trigger in 2017? This needs to really be carefully considered. If the shooting stars it's not going to be pretty.
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SSG Aircraft Mechanic
I think we already have a civil war on our hands. The full-scale bloodshed just hasn't started yet.
SFC Tony Bennett
SFC Tony Bennett
>1 y
Based on what?
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