Posted on Jun 22, 2017
Senate health care bill: 4 key Republicans come out against GOP plan
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 9
I think they'll tweak the Senate bill to get a couple of the outcasts on board, and then pass it. The House and Senate will then reconcile the differences into a single bill that both sides will pass, and President Trump will sign it into law. Ultimately, they will have to face the music at the ballot box. If the Democratic Party can't figure out how to finally get their voters to the polls for a mid-term, the GOP will get away with passing a bad bill.
I honestly don't think this particular bill has anything to do with solving the problems in our health industry. This bill is simply meant to fulfill a talking point (repealing Obamacare) and to enact a huge tax cut. From a health policy perspective, this bill makes absolutely no sense. Not only does it not solve any problems, in many ways it will make things worse.
I honestly don't think this particular bill has anything to do with solving the problems in our health industry. This bill is simply meant to fulfill a talking point (repealing Obamacare) and to enact a huge tax cut. From a health policy perspective, this bill makes absolutely no sense. Not only does it not solve any problems, in many ways it will make things worse.
MAJ Byron Oyler
I hope the Republicans will have the balls to do what the Dems did not, force their party to come out with a good bill and not just sign anything because the man in the White House says to. Any Republicans with half a brain should realize the last party to pass a bill and make this worse will be the ones voted out of office. As long as Republicans have the ACA failing, Congress is theirs for the taking. Once a Republican bill messes shit up, back into office are the Democrats.
Good for them. I'm against it too. What makes anyone think they can come up with a better plan than the ACA? We elected Trump with one goal: Rescind the ACA. If they want to go further, rescind all the other stupid laws that attempt to regulate healthcare insurance. Government should not be in the healthcare business other than to provide a safety net for those who suffer calamities (not of their own making).
Capt Dwayne Conyers
Maybe,CPT Jack Durish, they can help us understand why one can get better and cheaper treatment overseas?
MAJ Byron Oyler
Probably the first time I have disagreed with you. Something must regulate the for profit insurance companies, that is the only way this will ever be controlled. Whether it is the ACA or Republican bill, all they are doing is finding ways to pad the insurance companies bottom line.
CPT Jack Durish
MAJ Byron Oyler - limited regulations are okay, but government hates limits. Nothing has driven up the cost of healthcare (as well as every other commercial venture) like government interference. The examples are legion. Almost every example involves government favoring one competitor over another and when we interfere with competition we disrupt the natural workings of the free market. Supply and demand are thrown out of balance. The incentive to provide better, cheaper, safer products and services is replaced by competition to curry favor in Washington and state capitols.
The GOP plan is likely to go down like the Titanic. This editorial by Scott Adams does a much better job at explaining why than I can. [login to see] 1/why-the-new-healthcare-bill-will-be-a-loser [login to see] 1/why-the-new-healthcare-bill-will-be-a-loser
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