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Responses: 3
LT Brad McInnis
ADM Kirby is a great guy. Everyone I know that worked for him loved him.
Great article with some hard truths.
We train and train, never really knowing how we will react in an emergency. In this case, they found out. Keeping the ship afloat and steaming is a tough job with that much damage, and they did it...
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PO2 Rev. Frederick C. Mullis, AFI, CFM
Something went terribly wrong. For a behemoth twice the size of that Tin can to get that close to an AEGIS Destroyer, someone was asleep at the switch. Or better yet 3 or 4 people were. Even if the Helmsman on the Filipino Cargo Ship was actually a Muslin terrorist doing a suicide run, The Radar Operator in CIC should have seen the ship heading for them and put out the word, OR the look outs should have seen it OR the Sonar Operator should have heard its screws getting closer to her and the sound of her protruding bow cutting a wake. and the OD should have seen that big damn thing when it was off her starboard side, called either Rudders Amidships and All Engines Full Astern! and backed away from the possible collision while sounding the Collision alarm Or If he saw it in time, Call Rudders hard over Port, Engines Full Ahead. With a top speed of 30 Knots she could have zipped away from that Collision easily. IF the crew had been alert. So many things the Investigators are going to have to look into. and so many heads are gonna roll! The Skipper, the OD, the OIC in CIC just to name a few. Not gonna be a pretty sight.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
Pretty good summary, PO2 Mullis. That has been my take all along. Regardless of what the Merchie was doing, it's up to the OOD to ensure the safety of the ship. One of the reasons a CO does not stand watches is because of his responsibilities and the need to be informed CONSTANTLY of any activity that could place his ship in jeopardy.
PO2 Rev. Frederick C. Mullis, AFI, CFM
PO2 Rev. Frederick C. Mullis, AFI, CFM
>1 y
MCPO Roger Collins - I mean this is all basic seamanship, we learned this in Boot camp. the basics of ship handling and watch standing then once we hit the fleet it is all honed to a fine razors edge through drills and further training. The NAVY has hung out Skippers for less, i.e. (Captain Charles Butler McVay III) lets see how bad they hang Cdr. Benson and his crew.
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MCPO Roger Collins
I never liked Kirby, but this is a good article.
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