Posted on Jun 10, 2017
We Were Soldiers Too - Defending the Iron Curtain (Book 4)
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 3
Saw this on Facebook, looks like it will be a great book to read.
I have been back to German three times since the wall came down. Berlin, Eisnach, Erfurt etc. as well as Prague and Warsaw. I still can't shake feeling of stepping through the looking glass! My first deployment to Fulda is still fresh in my old mind.
SSG Pete Fleming
Be careful using copyrigthed material without proper permissions though...

Using Copyrighted Music in Videos: When is it Legal?
Copyright law is complicated, and thousands of creators may not even be aware that they are in breach of the law by using copyrighted music in their videos.
SSG Pete Fleming
SGT Thomas Lucken - Not trying to be a jerk... just looking out. I hope you understand.
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