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Responses: 11
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
Edited 10 y ago
Its a shame but just like in the civilian world, those with the power and money get off while those without pay for the crime. You would think UCMJ would be rank blind but apparently not so. Doesn't UNIFORM in UCMJ stand for uniformity as in same for everybody??
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SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
This will continue to happen due to the lowering of standards and morals. The military has become too much of a social experiment instead of the strong fighting force it's suppose to be.
SSG Kevin McCulley
SSG Kevin McCulley
10 y
No, that doesn't fit. A General Officer started their career around 30 years ago.
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Lt Col Aerospace Planner
There are plenty of officers that go down for this type of stuff. I do agree that it seems there is a double standard the higher you go especially the GO ranks. Having said that we do not know all of the circumstances of this case. There may have not been enough evidence to make a case. There are a lot of variables such as the character of the whiteness in this case the accuser. So we do not know all the details.

I get just as frustrated as you when I see that someone who was supposed be of exemplary caliber get away with what would get me thrown out if I did something like this. If it makes you feel better there was a Lt Col C-17 squadron commander who was dismissed from service and served jail time for being accused of groping a male Staff Sergeant(AF E-5). it was the same deal he said hmmm he said and that was enough to destroy a 22 year career.

I always hate the he said she said because there is no factual evidence other than testimony. So in these cases I would hope tred cautiously before destroying anyone regardless of rank. Usually people have a pattern of behavior that comes out to discredit their credibility and they get nailed. It very well could be he did this and should be punished. I agree if those were the circumstances than the law should apply equally. But in our society justice does not work that way.

He will have to deal with this. Although he may have got off lightly.
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