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Responses: 12
Maj John Bell
I get confirmation of the existence of God every morning sitting on my porch with a cup of coffee, my dogs and the sound of livestock and the world around me. I have found that when I stick to my understanding of the Bible, I am content and life's potholes are no big deal. When I stray, in short order I find the contentment in my life slips away.

I appreciate the atheist posts, they force me to think and stop me from becoming complacent in my Christian walk. You cannot hone the blade of a tool on cotton candy.
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SSgt Christopher Brose
The resurrection of Jesus is certainly central to Christianity. Without it, Christianity as such doesn't exist. Anyone who claims belief in a historical Jesus but denies the resurrection is not someone we could accurately identify as a Christian.
SGT Lou Meza
SGT Lou Meza
>1 y
The resurrection of Jesus is the central pillar of the five pillars of Christianity. Without it everything about Christianity would have been a lie . The five pillars of Christianity being the Birth , the Death , the Resurrection , the Ascension , and the Return of Jesus Christ.
SSgt Christopher Brose
SSgt Christopher Brose
>1 y
I disagree -- I wouldn't use the word "pillar" for one thing, but mainly because the resurrection is the one thing that makes everything else significant. It is the proof that he is in fact who he claimed to be.
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SFC Counterintelligence (CI) Agent
Since a question was posed; I do not believe. However, I don't feel it necessary to try to convince believers otherwise. To each their own.
SSgt Robert Jorgensen
SSgt Robert Jorgensen
>1 y
SSG Jade Redmond
If I may, what do you believe in then?
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