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Responses: 8
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SSG (Join to see) Bingo, No Way Pence Stood a Chance in a Real Election with His Baggage but as VP with a President You Know is going to Crash and Burn. That is One Way to Do It!
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
>1 y
COL Jean (John) F. B. -
Loyalty - His actions prior to the election don't demonstrate a loyalty to the nation. He intentionally elected to have products made overseas rather than create American jobs.

Duty - "Fulfill your obligations." Managed to play Varsity sports in college, but turned up with a heel spur to avoid the draft. The number of times he's been sued for not fulfilling his obligations is in the hundreds, if not thousands.

Respect - “Treat others with dignity and respect.” I'm not sure I have to say much in this regard - you and I both know that he would get an absolute NO GO for Respect for the vast majority of his life - up to and including throughout the campaign.

Selfless Service - "Put the welfare of the nation, and your subordinates before your own." He's made no bones about the fact that his actions, for the entirety of his life, were designed to benefit himself, his family, and his businesses.

Honor - His life of philandering, cheating on his wives, trying to get other women to cheat on their husbands, making personal attacks against anyone and everyone during the campaign, cheating his way out of business contracts, and countless other acts have demonstrated his character to be anything but honorable.

Integrity - "Do what’s right, legally and morally." His intentional bankruptcies in order to make a few extra dollars (at the expense of someone else) was legal. It was not moral. Honor and Integrity go hand in hand - his adultery, cheating in business, tax evasion, failure to produce tax returns even when he said he would, are all failures of integrity.

Personal Courage - "Face fear, danger or adversity (physical or moral)." - Avoided the draft. Tried to drag others down to his level of moral depravity. Both major failures in personal courage.

No Soldier could do these things and get a "GO" in any area of the Army Values.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
>1 y
MAJ Bryan Zeski - Had to go back to ancient history to get those points... Have you seen a rating period that goes back decades?

Trump was a businessman. He did things to enhance his businesses and profit. While some may seem unethical, they were not illegal and it is very doubtful if he was even aware of most of them. He was the CEO of a mammoth corporation that had hundreds of people who made decisions, Do you have any experience as a senior executive of a large corporation?

How would Obsna fare in your analysis? Was he in the military or even attend military school? Has he ever made unethical decisions or be self-serving? How is his integrity? What personal courage has he ever displayed? Do you think he was loyal to the USA? Laughable.... He would certainly get a NO GO in every category from me...

We could beat this dead horse forever...You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine. Neither of us wil convince the other.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
>1 y
COL Jean (John) F. B. - I tried to go back a bit to avoid any further allusions that I'm in violation of Article 88. Obviously, we don't have enough time in the current rating period to make that assessment.

I don't think "Values" are something that are legitimately compromised because of "business" deals. Would you compromise your values to make a buck? The values that people hold are evidence by their actions - regardless of whether it's for business or not.

The argument that "he didn't know" doesn't hold water - he's always said that's he is a very hands-on guy. He DOES make the big decisions for his businesses - he's said as much. His mammoth corporation has a reputation for screwing people over. That was essentially his business model.

Now, let's talk about Obama:
1. No, he was never in the military, nor did he attend a military school (Trump actively avoided the draft).
2. I'm sure he did make self-serving and unethical decision in his life - everyone has. However, I don't think he made a habit of it - unlike the President.
3. I'm much more likely to trust Obama than I am the President.
4. He was an elected Senator and twice elected President. Clearly the nation thought he had their loyalty.

And I agree. We're not going to agree on this one. I appreciate your time and energy that you've put into your responses. Regardless of where we stand, I always like to hear the other side and I really do try and understand it.

If I was out of line towards you, you have my apologies.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
>1 y
MAJ Bryan Zeski - I appreciate the back and forth, even if I don't agree with you. Having said that, I think we have pulverized this dead horse and din't need to continue.
Thank you for your service and for keeping the discussion civil.
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SSgt Christopher Brose
It's interesting how comatose liberals can be regarding crimes committed by Democrats. If they got worked up about Democrat malfeasance a tiny fraction of the foam-at-the-mouth lather they get into about Trump, they might have put forth a candidate with integrity in the last election and won it.
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MAJ James Woods
Interesting considering in no way will Jeanine ever admit how the Trumps are currently taking pay for play money and has a presidential campaign under active investigation. GOP establishment (Pence, Preibus, Ryan, McConnell) look like geniuses staging all this to include the WH leaks. LOL!
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