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Responses: 17
LTC Stephen F.
Edited >1 y ago
Thanks for keeping us abreast of the news which impacts us COL Mikel J. Burroughs. Kudos to Steve Durgin for all he does for veterans.
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Brig Gen Jim Jaeger
Mikel, thanks for the great work you are doing as Chairman of the Board to keep VFV/VMOA focused and moving forward! Your tireless efforts to get the word out are paying off for our veterans. Thanks!
SGT Richard H.
SGT Richard H.
>1 y
Brig Gen Jim Jaeger - Well, Sir, if you were to offer to say a few words, I definitely wouldn't turn that down.
Brig Gen Jim Jaeger
Brig Gen Jim Jaeger
>1 y
I'd be happy to say a few words about what we are doing and why it is so important!
Angelea Torn
Angelea Torn
>1 y
It's refreshing, and an honor, to be including in such an amazing team, doing amazing things. COL Mikel J. Burroughs -
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
Angelea Torn - Your amazing and we're blessed to have you on the Board and Team - thank you Angelea!
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SSgt Robert Marx
A single veteran suicide is too awful a price to pay, and we as a nation must adequately resource the veteran help lines and aid centers to pick up all of those homeless and those without hope to get the counseling/psychiatric care to deal with their condition.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
SSgt Robert Marx Agreed and we will work for that end state!
PO2 Dan Shulla
PO2 Dan Shulla
>1 y
There are currently 2 call centers. One in Atlanta, Ga and one in Canandaigua, NY. They are understaffed as has been evidenced by my wife working many extended hour evenings, in a VERY old VA complex. They frequently also pick up calls from the National Suicide hotline. Some will try to pass those off but when a teenager is about to jump off a bridge, and the National Suicide hotline doesn't pick up their phones....my wife, for one says screw it.. I'm getting somebody's child off that bridge and to safety. She's gone from home 5 days/nights a week to do this. Barb- Bravo Zulu! She'll retire next year. My prayer is that someone just as good and dedicated to our vets and the children, will replace her.
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