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CPO Robert (Mac) McGovern
I am so happy, we finally have a President, although a little off balance, will probably be an exceptional President once he figures out how to steer the ship on a straight course.
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HAHAHAHAHA!!!! OMG!!! You don't really believe that, do you? Ontario is not "run by extreme liberals,' the hydro rates have been historically high and MANY governments (Conservative and Liberal - and BTW, those are political parties) have had the opportunity to do something about them and did NOTHING. Until recently, 100% of the hydro utility was owned by the people of Ontario - now it's down to 49%. Please fact check first. Mkay?
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
8 y
(Join to see) - It is a great idea to give rebates at election time but had they not overbuilt and spent billions on wind farms for the capacity of millions more than hydro one has to give power too. Ontario ended up selling the overcapacity to the USA at a steep discount. Why can't they do the same for Canadian Citizens. Carbon tax is a price floor that tries to cut the throat of the consumer . I am glad I don't live in Ontario. I see the writing on the wall since Premier Notley also wants to shut down the coal fired plants in Alberta. I have Just Energy since it is cheaper than EPCOR but if they back out of the agreement with Alberta, then I will get screwed over. Cap and trade is a joke. We have clean coal technology and Nuclear that Canada wants to ignore. In the winter we have 7 hours of sunlight. Now we have 17 hours of sunlight. The world is a dangerous place. Just look at North Korea and Iran as imminent threats not global warming as former POTUS Obama said while the rest of the world is at war over ISIS, Russia threatening it neighbors, China threatening its neighbors.

Canada's 2% of greenhouse gases is NOT going to save the world. meantime, all of OPEC are burning their H2S into the atmosphere.. Maybe the permafrost is melting and some are dying of Anthrax over the global warming but I doubt its all from man. Look at the volcanic activity and Hyrdo one makes megatons since CO2 also formed by reservoirs!

My Canadian 2 ton Dodge Challenger gets 28 mpg. We are making headway in technology but its a big tax and spend scam. I only make 70 grand and I don't get any money back from GST and I don't get carbon tax rebates. It is a scam!
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
8 y
I don't know if you read the article Sharon but it is State what you said that the conservatives had a chance to lower their bills because they have rolling blackouts and all kinds of things they were I guess back then you guys had nuclear power and you got rid of that and then you had a coal-fired plant that you're going to build and then you shut that one to which cost you over a billion dollars this is stuff that it right over your conservative paper which I'm sure is not fake news. The article describes that over the decades conservice and liberals have not been able to take care of the Ontario power problem but what happened the Liberals took over the Premier Wynee go over what's she overbuilt either she or her ministers kept building and building and building and have it over capacity and charging exorbitant rates because you had triple the need electricity build for the population that's there and so everyone had to pay their share because you had spent way too much money than you needed to. That is not the fault of the consumer that is her fault and she's also a politician that was censured because she admitted she is a pay-to-play politician. She is just like Hillary Clinton she admitted to pay to play. Is a crooked politician that didn't oversee or have Compton people run Hydro One correctly and now all consumers are paying for it. These articles of come from the National Post newspaper for the last year-and-a-half. The rebates are a con because they should really cut rates down by two-thirds but they can't because they have too many billions of dollars of infrastructure to pay off.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
8 y
She shows up on my screen as Sharon C. And it shows her picture. I don't know why she should up as anonymous when I can see your on my smartphone as well as my laptop.
(Join to see)
8 y
1) We STILL have nuclear power - Check Darlington Nuclear, Bruce Nuclear and Pickering Nuclear. Ontario shut down coal-fired power plants in 2014. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_generating_stations_in_Ontario
2) Wynne hasn't overbuilt anything; she was elected in 2013 by a majority of voters.
3) We don't accuse people of being "crooked" without proof. The Toronto Star is well known for having front page investigations and they don't play favourites.
4) The National Post is a 3rd rank newspaper, behind The Globe & Mail and the Toronto Star, and has a marked bias against the Liberal Party and Premier Wynne. The National Post was founded by Conrad Black, who was jailed in the US for six and a half years for criminal fraud and obstructing justice.The National Post does not have a full complement of staff writers, and often resorts to using articles from wire services or opinion pieces. The Globe and Mail has a business bias while the Star has a societal bias. The Sun (Toronto, Calgary, etc.) panders to rumours and gossip; its claim to fame is their "Sunshine Girl/Boy" individuals, as well as the kind of (sketchy IMO) want ads that could be skipped.
5) Yes, Premier Wynne is much like Hillary Clinton - she is a woman in a position of great authority. She is entitled to respect in her position as Premier of Ontario, just as Secretary of State Clinton was entitled to respect for hers. Premier Wynne doesn't tweet, rant, or otherwise conduct herself in a manner that is disrespectful to the people of Ontario. I might not be a Liberal party member, but I respect women leaders with hard jobs and LOTS of critics.
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