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Responses: 180
LTC Public Affairs Officer
And another case of NOT Stolen Valor but ANOTHER case of someone who does not know what Stolen Valor is harassing someone who obviously has issues. Unless you are encountering an actual case of Stolen Valor, and if you don't know what it is you need to do some research, then you should leave these people alone because wearing a uniform alone is no big deal.
SPC Donn Eggen
SPC Donn Eggen
>1 y
Totally agree with you, LTC...
With one possible exception, yes, the guy “in uniform” obviously has issues, but who’s to say the guy filming doesn’t have issues... If what he said about friends dying in his arms wearing that is true, it could be understood. If not, then he is barely better than the person he’s going after. These videos are somewhat satisfying on a guttural level to anyone who earned the privilege to wear a uniform. But, they are ALL missing context to some degree.
A Vet who did NOT see combat,
just to be clear...
MSG Barry Kerby
MSG Barry Kerby
>1 y
It's apparent this man has issues. This is not stolen valor. It's a case of a man who probably doesn't even understand what he's doing. We are better than this. We are better than humiliating someone in public like this. If the Soldier who took the video really cared, a simple pull aside and explanation would suffice.
GySgt Logistics Mobility Chief
GySgt (Join to see)
>1 y
Ok first, if he was in the navy seals, and let’s say they did issue army uniforms to the navy, which if you don’t know all branches in the 90’s did have the same uniform, we all wore what we call tricolors. But case in point the uniform he has on right now was no even thought of in the 90’s, the army only came out with that uniform after the Marine Corps came out with Digital Cammies. This guy is a fake. No doubt about it.
SFC Geospatial Engineer
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
One day I’m just gonna walk around in my old uniform with my retired hairdo and all my badges and just wait for someone to call me out. Then I will proceed to sow my 214 and embarrass them. Jesus, let it go already. It is an article of clothing. If you pin all of your successes and failures of a military career on a uniform that changes frequently, then you need help.
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CW4 Scott Hyde
Edited >1 y ago
Enough. Leave these guys alone. May as well go pick on six year olds playing Army. Has similar value but leaves zero doubt who is truly being the knuckle head.
SGT Bill Spiker
SGT Bill Spiker
>1 y
CW4 why should he leave this guy alone? He is disrespecting everyone that has fought and die wearing that uniform! Being a combat vet i would do the same thing in that same situation! Weather its stolen valor or not i cant say! But to say leave him alone, why?
CW4 Scott Hyde
CW4 Scott Hyde
>1 y
SGT Bill Spiker - If you cannot tell this guy has issues and just walk away you are part of the problem. Pick your battles. Messing with with poor guy has about as much value as beating the kid half your size for his lunch money.
SGT Bill Spiker
SGT Bill Spiker
>1 y
Yeah i am sure your right! But many of have pride in that uniform and dont like the fact that other lie about!
CW4 Scott Hyde
CW4 Scott Hyde
>1 y
Did you look at his raggedy uniform? Are you going to pick on the kid playing Army, or the stripper wearing an ASU jacket during a photo shoot? Thing of the image you create when getting wrapped around the axle over this and make a scene.

I hear the ‘my friends died in that uniform’ comments. Yeah, I get it but I had friends die in blue jeans but it is pointless throat punching everyone in jeans.

Honor the service and the fallen by maintaining your professionalism. Foolish attacks on folks like this dishonor both and empower these bone heads.
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CPL Tommy Mendoza
Leave the guy alone man! The hell is wrong with you. that shit is NOT stolen valor. Do your research of what it really mean before calling out someone. I'm tired of you idiots just want to front in the video. I have family member who would wear my old BDU's ACU's specially my dad because he's proud of saying that it's his sons unis. I hope non of you fucktards ever see my family specially when I'm with them. I will freaking humilate you by educating you what stolen valor is.
SSG Shevelle Lewis
SSG Shevelle Lewis
>1 y
Humiliate them with a two piece to the face.
SGT Bill Spiker
SGT Bill Spiker
>1 y
I will ask you the same question? Why should this guy be left alone? Weather its stolen valor or not he should not be wearing the uniform saying he's one of us! I have watch young men die in that uniform, so not he should not be left alone!
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