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Responses: 3
CPT Jack Durish
I like concise summaries. All religions ultimately concern themselves with divine judgment.
1. Christianity: You are judged by what you believe.
2. Judaism: You are judged by what you do.
3. Islam: You are judged by your life of submission.

The first two assume you are capable of making good choices. The last assumes you are not.
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PO1 Sam Deel
1,400 years of Death Cult history proves islam serves that which is not God Almighty. No other comparisons needed.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
2 y
Thank you my friend and brother-in-Christ PO1 Sam Deel for responding and sharing your thoughts
PO1 Sam Deel
PO1 Sam Deel
2 y
LTC Stephen F. - One shall have Faith. However, proof is in the pudding. Jesus Christ clearly demonstrated who He was, what He stood for, and what His Purpose was. That is Christianity, not the religious zealotry that came with the Roman catholic chvrch, chvrch of England, Puritans, some Baptist sects, etc. With islam, that "pudding" is more than mired in blood. It is undeniably drenched completely in it, especially in its founding and first 40 years of spreading by conquest. Unlike Biden, I will take the Facts over someone else's "truth", always.
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
LTC Stephen Ford,
Thank you for the time it took to explain this. I have some Muslim friends, and occasionally we get into some very deep conversations. With the limited time I have to research subjects I have never been able to understand some topics. This explanation helped me to understand much more. Thank you.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
>1 y
You are very welcome SFC (Join to see). I am glad I was able to help.
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