Posted on Apr 24, 2017
Republicans in Congress push for religious liberty executive order
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 4
Nothing like making "we dont serve your kind here" the law of the land. How christian of them.

Suspended Profile
Perhaps I'm the minority in this whole discussion, but I personally don't have a problem with this. That isn't to say that I have anything against gays, (I do not), but the fact of the matter is, under the previous administration, the "normal" class of people were demonized and this whole gay rights movement exploded and was allowed to flourish, while Christian, or even just straight people, were just swept to the wayside. I don't see people rioting when a school takes "God" out of the "Pledge of Allegiance"? I think that way too often in the last 8 years, people have just bitched and moaned about something or acted like jackasses in the American streets because they felt like they weren't being "heard". I do believe in freedom and I believe that protesting in the right ways (like Doc MLK) is definitely beneficial and helpful to a cause. but the way Obama condoned these people's actions the last 8 years in my opinion is unacceptable and I think it's about damn time someone stood up for the other side's rights.
MSgt Michael Bischoff
So are you saying you are OK with a "law" that allows religious discrimination? Because that is exactly what this "law" will do. So much for separation of religion. Everyone fear Sharia law but here we go making our own religious laws and forcing the police to become "religious" police.

Suspended Profile
You know what I'm NOT okay with? People preaching for equality when what they really want is to be special princesses with special treatment. So if this law takes care of the ridiculousness that this world has become? Then yes Master Sergeant, I am okay with it.
MSgt Michael Bischoff
SGT(P) Matthew Vincent - the problem with a law like that it does not take care of the craziness it causes more. Remember the law would allow ALL religions to discriminate.
So it would allow neighborhoods to be set up with protections preventing those people from coming into it. Does that sound familiar?
There are better ways, abide by the current laws if you don't want to serve everyone then lock your doors and make it private. Then again why did you go into that business in the first place if you don't like the clientele. That is like working at a brothel but objecting to naked people and sex!
So it would allow neighborhoods to be set up with protections preventing those people from coming into it. Does that sound familiar?
There are better ways, abide by the current laws if you don't want to serve everyone then lock your doors and make it private. Then again why did you go into that business in the first place if you don't like the clientele. That is like working at a brothel but objecting to naked people and sex!

Suspended Profile
I think the direction you're takin it is extreme and that is obviously NOT where the POTUS is leaning, given that he said he simply wants people who's religious liberties have been swept to the side under Obama's rule to be able to practice their faith in the manner that they want, not give them the right to go out of their way to cause problems. But, to your point, why is it okay for every gay, black, Muslim, etc. to protest and bitch when they feel something is "wrong" to them but yet, a Christian can't protest against gay marriage? Seems to me that everyone has their own idea of freedom and free speech. I personally don't give a shit regardless, if someone has something to say about me or the values with which I live my life, what does that do? Does it hurt my feel goods? Do I allow that to bother me to the point that I feel the need to whine and cry that someone didn't agree with how I want to live? No, because I don't care whether anyone approves of my beliefs or the way I live.
Simply put, the only reason this argument itself resonates with me is because it revolves a hypocritical idea. It's stupid to want rights, and then say that others can't have theirs. The Left has been allowed to bitch and moan and groan and cry about what they feel like they're entitled to (because that seems what this new generation of "tolerance" is all about), but they're only tolerant as long as it is what they want.
Simply put, the only reason this argument itself resonates with me is because it revolves a hypocritical idea. It's stupid to want rights, and then say that others can't have theirs. The Left has been allowed to bitch and moan and groan and cry about what they feel like they're entitled to (because that seems what this new generation of "tolerance" is all about), but they're only tolerant as long as it is what they want.
This is very dangerous ground to be treading on. I personally have no problem with the LGBT people.
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