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Responses: 10
Col Joseph Lenertz
Any group using violence loses the moral argument immediately. They are saying, "our violence is justified because our intent is true." Just like fascists everywhere.
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Edited >1 y ago
CPT Jack Durish - Now . . . Now . . . That is not entirely fair . . . The SDS went through many stages of development over time . . . and did not start out as an organization that saw the kind of violence you portray as anything even remotely near and dear to their hearts. As far as the ANTIFA - they may arguably have a point . . . yet our home grown domestic ANTIFA has yet to settle on a core modus operandi . . . though foreign ANTIFA organizations tend to be focused on what is for civilians more or less violent conflict. Why didn't you mention the Weathermen (violent faction that split off from and were disowned by the pacifist Students for a Democratic Society) and The Black Panthers? Also, that's UC Beserkeley!!! Warmest Regards, Sandy :)
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
1LT Sandy Annala - There is nothing wrong with protest. People should protest. The real problems begin when we stifle protest either by actually using force to prevent them from protesting or even using fear to prevent them. The interesting part of this sordid 1960's Redux is that those protesting for free speech are actually opposed to free speech and will to use violence to prevent free speech. (The same was true in the 60s) Speed is only free to those who agree with their ideology. In this case, pacific demonstrators were assaulted by these defenders of free speech. That is the bottom line to this event.
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CPT Jack Durish - But, your comment directly undermines your argument that because counter protesters did not appear you should be free to attribute the protestors message to the entire faculty, staff, and student body at UC Berkeley. There is no reason anyone who opposes these extremist tiny fractional minority position protestors should put their own life and limb at risk - when we have perfectly good campus, city, county, state, and federal police and national guard forces available to handle any out of control protests. My only concern is that you not attribute the actions of the minuscule few to the overwhelming majority of faculty, staff, and students who are busy teaching, working, and studying while these morons waste their time and lives trying to exploit some naive news outlets to cover and/or broadcast their feeble and disorganized ramblings. Warmest Regards, Sandy :)
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
1LT Sandy Annala - Do you honestly believe this is mere show for the media? I think they've moved past that point.
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>1 y
CPT Jack Durish - The numbers are small enough - and they are isolated enough - their impact apart from their media exposure is vanishingly small. Warmest Regards, Sandy :)
SFC William H.
Every time I see some protester in a mask, I want them arrested........wasn't there a law against that passed somewhere.........obviously not at Berkeley......
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
That is what I would think, a real activist wouldn't hide behind a mask. Gather up a dozen or so of these miscreants and identify them as to who they are and where they are from along with their affiliation with the college. Daylight is the best disinfectant.
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