Responses: 10
Recall that Czarina Hillary Clinton promised her green allies that she would finish off every last coal-mining job in America..... Karma sucks .....
The author of this article is a conservative economcs activist who has been called out before for using incorrect data in his columns. In this case, he uses "mining jobs" in the BLS report as if they were coal jobs, which they are not. Minng jobs category includes all extraction of resources from the earth, including coal, oil and natural gas. Also, in that large category are subcategories. Most of the jobs increase (27k of the 35k since Oct 2016) are in the minng support activities category. Here is a link to the BLS website where it breaks out coal mining jobs. As you can see, the growth is very small, as are the totals. But these numbers don't fit his theme of Trump bringing coal back, so he ignored them. [login to see] ?amp%253bdata_tool=XGtable&output_view=data&include_graphs=true [login to see] ?amp%253bdata_tool=XGtable&output_view=data&include_graphs=true
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
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