Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 3
Really? Bad things? Personally, I think 2016 was a great year. For starters, I woke up on the bright side of the grass 365 times. Then there were the countless new babies born, every one representing great potential (until we screw them up). Forgive me if I don't linger overmuch at the graveside of celebrities. I am far more concerned with the thousands of men and women who gave their lives in military, police, and fire service protecting millions of us who should be wondering why we deserve such devotion and thus, I am honored every day of last year to have been valued so highly. Speaking of being so honored, I am really happy about my friends and family who honored me by loving me in spite of my many failings. Then there are the "bad things" that really aren't bad things unless you share this person's ideological point of view. One of my downers of last year is that I spend much of it feeling like a death row inmate until one of the great moments of 2016 occurred: Hillary lost. It was like a last minute reprieve. Sure, there will be a retrial, but at least We the People dodged that bullet (and for anyone who has ever dodged a bullet on the battlefield or in the streets of Chicago, that's a real thrill, better than any roller coaster ride). Oh, and there's another thing that made 2016 a really great year: I don't live in Chicago. That's one for the the good side of life. I think I'll stop there. You get the idea...
I must admit, I had the sound off and skipped ahead to just see what each one was. Some of those things were truly awful, people lost their lives. However, "celebrities" dying or breaking up, give me a break! Why aren't all those in uniform either of the military or first responders who died this year on that list? Why isn't the awful problem of suicide in the military and among veterans on that list? Why isn't the awful problem of child hunger in the US on that list? Why are people so fascinated by unimportant things?
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