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Responses: 6
LTC Self Employed
But no one would have to apologize for a Saddam -Assad comparison since they're both from the Baath party.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - we can agree to that! I will make a toast in agreement with Dr. Pepper and cool ranch Doritos. She is smart just not scrupulous.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - I will agree on that , but smart an unscrupulous is better that dumb as a bag of rocks and unscrupulous, She would know that bring the world down for ego points is unprofitable, I do not think Trump grasps that. I see him as more the "Apres moi le deluge" type.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - French meaning?
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - "After me the flood' from Lois the XIV,
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SCPO Jason McLaughlin
Just as a history lesson:
The Nazis did use chemical weapons in combat on several occasions along the Black Sea, notably in Sevastopol, where they used toxic smoke to force Russian resistance fighters out of caverns below the city, in violation of the 1925 Geneva Protocol.[39] The Nazis also used asphyxiating gas in the catacombs of Odessa in November 1941, following their capture of the city, and in late May 1942 during the Battle of the Kerch Peninsula in eastern Crimea.[39] Victor Israelyan, a Soviet ambassador, reported that the latter incident was perpetrated by the Wehrmacht's Chemical Forces and organized by a special detail of SS troops with the help of a field engineer battalion. Chemical Forces General Ochsner reported to German command in June 1942 that a chemical unit had taken part in the battle.[40] After the battle in mid-May 1942, roughly 3,000 Red Army soldiers and Soviet civilians not evacuated by sea were besieged in a series of caves and tunnels in the nearby Adzhimuskai quarry. After holding out for approximately three months, "poison gas was released into the tunnels, killing all but a few score of the Soviet defenders."[41] Thousands of those killed around Adzhimushk were documented to have been killed by asphyxiation from gas.[40]

In February 1943, German troops stationed in Kuban received a telegram: "Russians should be eventually cleared out of the mountain range with gas."[42] The troops also received two wagons of toxin antidotes.[42]
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SPC Erich Guenther
And NPR could do a whole lot better in the reporting area here......this piece makes American reporters look very stupid on a international level.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
>1 y
The Press Secretary is not a reporter and he is the none that proved he was in idiot, making America's voters look very stupid
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