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Responses: 4
SSG Tom Pike
United screwed the pooch on this one. They should not have sent cops on the plane to physically remove the passenger.

If no one gave up their seat United should have just gone on the PA and said "If no one gives up their seat the flight cannon leave and will be canceled" When no one gives up their seat tell them the flight is canceled, everyone deplane. Give the flight a new number and start re-issuing seats.
PO3 Donald Murphy
PO3 Donald Murphy
>1 y
Then compensation comes into it which you never truly get away from. Your own rules, remember? Better idea would have been to raise the amount of compensation.

Plus, you know as well as I do, that you (staff) cancel a flight, you collected your last pay check. United shouldn't have been so cheap. "Free hotel, free ticket, free meal and $2000 for every person that gets off the plane." I'd be injuring passengers in my rush to get to the stewardess...
SSG Tom Pike
SSG Tom Pike
>1 y
If you cancel the flight, then rebook everyone but the 1 you need to kick off you only end up compensating 1 person, but you delay everyone for an hour or two while you remove and reboard them.
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MAJ James Woods
Edited >1 y ago
Well my immediate thoughts is anger at whatever source spun this to Chinese media as an assault on someone of Chinese background. Poor reporting leading to disastrous consequences. Do wonder how their media will report it once they discover the man is Vietnamese-American? Unless someone has seen other reporting. Either way, bottom line, this was not racial discrimination and any media source (domestic or foreign) spinning it as such should have their credentials revoked.

United did say it was a random selection of four passengers after they received no volunteers to give up their seats. The other three begrudgingly deboarded with an expectation of compensation. I've faulted United employees for escalating this by calling security; faulted the passenger for not following instructions of flight crew and airport security; and faulted security for using excessing force that was definitely not necessary.

FUBAR indeed.
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LTC Jeff Shearer
SSG Chase, I have watched this several times and I keep coming to the same conclusion, there is more to this story. I just feel we are not getting all of it. However, just at face value I was pretty ticked off and said some pretty bad stuff. But I have an uneasy feeling there is more to this, maybe he is a stowaway. i don't know, if there is not more to the story the airlines will deservingly feel the repercussions.

I just feel there is more to this, I could be wrong, I have been before but not often.
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