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Responses: 4
MAJ James Woods
Since there are many reasons one can be in favor or opposed to the missile strike not sure how grouping up all those opposed with anti-US countries Russia, Syria and Iran makes any valid point. In the same way aligning all those in favor of it with Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
PO1 Don Gulizia - Facts do hurt your ego. It's a fact that Trump criticized Obama for military intervention in Syria; there are tweets that prove that. It's a fact that Congress voted against escalated military strikes in 2013 when Obama when to get their approval. It's a fact that Trump's American First policy is about limiting US intervention in other countries; thus, no more refugees not even children from Syria. He only said two days ago he wasn't elected to be President of the World but of that of the US. He's entitled to change his mind based on changes in the situation because that's what leaders do. Apparently I have more respect for both Trump and Obama when it comes to expectations in the office of President in a evolving crisis and hold them accountable. You're just whining like a child. Grow up.
CW4 Guy Butler
CW4 Guy Butler
>1 y
PO1 Don Gulizia MAJ Woods is correct. There's also the letter sent from Congress to President Obama:

Cpl Mark McMiller
Cpl Mark McMiller
>1 y
MAJ James Woods - Yea, sometimes facts really suck...like when you're trying to defend Obama's behavior in this situation. Here are the facts: Obama drew a red line. Then, after Assad defied him and used chemical WMD's, it was crickets for 10 days while Obama did nothing. Then Obama said that he didn't need congressional authority to attack but was going to seek it anyway, all the while knowing that there was no way the Democrat controlled Senate Foreign Affairs Committee would authorize an attack, which they didn't. Obama was all talk and no action.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
@Cpl Mark McMiller it's a shame that you're being selective of facts. As you ignore the facts of several GOP Congressmen who praised Trump's missile strike also rejected Obama's request for military escalation in 2013 when red line was crossed. A line shouldn't be established when you don't havr support from your Congress. That's Obama's mistake. Bragging about an ineffective missile strike will be Trump's, GOP and yours.
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LCDR Vice President
great graphical representation. I think we can add Egypt to the list though.
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SSgt Boyd Herrst
I wonder if we have some doves among the hawks here.. they can have their mindset.. that’s their perogative.. All the President is looking to do is to deny them the source to carry out that evil. Can’t sit back on our thumbs and do nothing..
that’s Neville chamberlain thinking(Obama’s too).. Obama puttered around playing little suck their toesies and kissing derrières.. time to put the big boy trousers on and do the job!
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