Responses: 4
This pretty much happens with anything, and there is a difference between KNOCK OFFS and COUNTERFEIT products...KNOCKS OFFS are design copied and very similar, but not labeled the same, i.e. they have their own name (NcStar for example), so you will know, COUNTERFEIT COUNTERFEIT products are harder to spot and you may only know you have one when the product fails. KNOCK OFFS are usually much cheaper than the original and are very popular for that reason, but the old adage get what you pay for. When if comes to firearms and accessories, in my mind at least, that is not the time to go cheap, because one day your life may depend on the money you spend.
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Buddy of mine bought 2 Benchmade knives for 20 bucks a piece in Afghanistan. I told him they were either stolen or counterfeit. Either way, you don't want them. He gave me one. It was definitely counterfeit. Worth about 5 bucks maybe. I don't even carry it as a beater knife because it opened in my pocket a couple times.
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