Posted on Apr 3, 2017
Liberal Indoctrination: Blacks Still Can't Know Right from Wrong - Black & Blonde Media
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 2
Blacks are used by the black "leadership" and legislators simply for their votes, enabling them to keep doing what they're doing. Does Jesse Jackson tell black youths to self-motivate to better themselves so they can be successful? No. He tells them it's "whitey's fault" that they are in trouble because everyone is against them or somehow repressing them. Do we see Democrat run cities rebuilding and improving? No. Because as soon as their constituents throw the lever for them, they forget about the disadvantaged blacks in their community. Programs like Welfare do not help minorities to succeed; they only give enough for them to survive upon. Then the legislators can say how much they care and are helping them to get money. Yeah, just enough to stay alive long enough to vote in the next election. Allowing society to keep pandering to the black community through clothing (sagging pants), music (gangsta' rap), and justification of criminal actions only serves to maintain the status quo. When black "leaders" and legislators do it, it is with the purpose of keeping black people economically and socially enslaved to their political will and cult of personality.
A strong, successful, and outspoken black person is no longer useful to these race-baiting slavers. When someone like LTC Allen West, Dr. Ben Carson, Condoleeza Rice, or any other successful black person becomes successful despite the status quo, s/he is called an "Uncle Tom" or other such vile epithet because s/he has defied the stereotype, defied the shadow slavery going on, and has stated through action, that s/he will no longer accept the lies that society has forced upon them. People like LTC West succeeded when it was nearly impossible for a black person to succeed, yet he is reviled because he broke the stereotype and succeeded through his own will. That is the kind of mindset that is needed these days.
People need to stop believing that they are victims, and start taking personal responsibility for their own actions and their own lives. Stop listening to people who want to keep you down, or tear you down. Believe in yourself, that anything is possible if you want it enough. No one great ever allowed him/herself to remain common.
A strong, successful, and outspoken black person is no longer useful to these race-baiting slavers. When someone like LTC Allen West, Dr. Ben Carson, Condoleeza Rice, or any other successful black person becomes successful despite the status quo, s/he is called an "Uncle Tom" or other such vile epithet because s/he has defied the stereotype, defied the shadow slavery going on, and has stated through action, that s/he will no longer accept the lies that society has forced upon them. People like LTC West succeeded when it was nearly impossible for a black person to succeed, yet he is reviled because he broke the stereotype and succeeded through his own will. That is the kind of mindset that is needed these days.
People need to stop believing that they are victims, and start taking personal responsibility for their own actions and their own lives. Stop listening to people who want to keep you down, or tear you down. Believe in yourself, that anything is possible if you want it enough. No one great ever allowed him/herself to remain common.
SSG(P) (Join to see)
SP5 Christine Conley - I'm not going to get sucked into a religious debate designed to detract from the original issue and question. But I will answer your last sentence.
Figure out where you got your beliefs from that make you think we wanted an Islamic Socialist Community Agitator with no (governmental) experience* in charge of us.
* Yes Obama had one term as a State Senator, but was absent for most of the roll call votes, and spent half of that term campaigning for president. That doesn't qualify as creditable experience in my book.
Figure out where you got your beliefs from that make you think we wanted an Islamic Socialist Community Agitator with no (governmental) experience* in charge of us.
* Yes Obama had one term as a State Senator, but was absent for most of the roll call votes, and spent half of that term campaigning for president. That doesn't qualify as creditable experience in my book.
SSG(P) (Join to see)
SP5 Christine Conley - Actually, "Community Organizer" is the Americanized term used by the (then) USSR ComIntern for Community Agitator, described in Marx's writings. Obama was NOT a uniter, but a divider. Look at how race relations suffered, mischaracterization of law enforcement was encouraged, and the constant "terror attacks" seemed to happen quite regularly in order to attempt passage of a "ready to go" anti-2nd Amendment bill during the Obama administration. Obama wanted this country divided. We still are. Recall how he told Christians and Patriots to "Stop clinging to your religion and your guns" but would never utter a single word in chastisement against Muslims who supported violent jihad. He even went so far as to try to convince Americans that ISIS wasn't Islamic (which is what the first "I" in ISIS stands for)
Again, we are getting off topic, which is, what I suppose your goal is.
Again, we are getting off topic, which is, what I suppose your goal is.
PO1 Henry Jackson
SSG(P) (Join to see) - Don't know where you got that from, but they don't represent black people as a whole.
SSgt Christopher Brose
SP5 Christine Conley - That "businessman with no experience" has literally decades of executive experience, including experience managing budgets, making payroll, dealing with regulations, actually building things... Obama had nothing. A few years as a senator where he voted "present" a lot never came close to qualifying him to be the nation's chief executive.
I am so with you SN (Join to see)!!! It boggles my mind that it's not only acceptable but REQUIRED to have lower expectations of people with darker skin if someone who looks like me doesn't want to be considered racist by liberals. Who are the real racists? There are so many examples.
The first one that came to mind is the Rooney Rule in the NFL, which requires teams to interview a black coaching candidate before hiring who they really want. It basically says that a black coach can't get hired on his own without whitey's help. The unintended consequence is that if you're a black coach, you can never know if a team is really interested in potentially hiring you or if you are just a tool to keep a team out of trouble when they ask you for an interview -- unless you are the second black coach they ask to interview.
The second example that came to mind was some liberal white woman on a talk show (I think she was from England) with four other women, one of whom was Hispanic. Liberal white woman looked into the camera and said, "Donald Trump, who is going to clean your toilets for you if get rid of all the Latinos?" The Hispanic lady said something like, "Wait, what? Latinos do more than clean toilets, we have other jobs." Foot-in-mouth liberal white woman was like, "I didn't mean it like that, don't make me part of this discussion."
The first one that came to mind is the Rooney Rule in the NFL, which requires teams to interview a black coaching candidate before hiring who they really want. It basically says that a black coach can't get hired on his own without whitey's help. The unintended consequence is that if you're a black coach, you can never know if a team is really interested in potentially hiring you or if you are just a tool to keep a team out of trouble when they ask you for an interview -- unless you are the second black coach they ask to interview.
The second example that came to mind was some liberal white woman on a talk show (I think she was from England) with four other women, one of whom was Hispanic. Liberal white woman looked into the camera and said, "Donald Trump, who is going to clean your toilets for you if get rid of all the Latinos?" The Hispanic lady said something like, "Wait, what? Latinos do more than clean toilets, we have other jobs." Foot-in-mouth liberal white woman was like, "I didn't mean it like that, don't make me part of this discussion."
SN (Join to see)
I believe that was Rosie Perez who went after the Osborne daughter for making that comment on The View. Lots of crying and apologies. Oh, the drama!
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